BBC News | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: News
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
115 Reports
115 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
39 Reports
39 Reports
User Feedback
39 Reports
39 Reports
115 Reports
115 Reports
BBC News - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 26, 2025
much improved local content, with positive messaging, although haven't yet used the previously useless search function ⁉️
Feb 26, 2025
Please make the swipe functionality an option. It's way too sensitive and just ends up being annoying. I don't blindly read every article, I prefer to choose based on the headline.
Feb 27, 2025
Upgrade is terrible
I always appreciated the BBC news content and reporting. Had this app for over a decade but the recent upgrade and ‘new look' is awful. Deleted
Feb 27, 2025
Ad-heavy Since Forced Update
DISAPPOINTING. App wouldn't continue working for me today without an update today. Now I'm forced to watch 20-30 second ads before ANY content.
Feb 27, 2025
BBC, in the past, produced first class unbiased journalism for which they received justifiable acclaim. However, since 2019 BBC have been funded by external sources with severely detrimental bias & fake news consequences. External funding influences content & editorial output. The TNI (so called: Trusted News Initiative) delivered the opposite of the claim….. Untrusted News. Why? Because funding from Bill Gates & USAID (with strings attached) resulted in the BBC participating in the maximisation of deaths under the population reduction agenda adopted by all nations following ‘The Kissinger Report 1974' -a depopulation agenda managed by the NSC in the White House, & imposed throughout the world by the bribery of 700 news organisations & 6,200 journalists (Source: Elon Musk, DOGE), all of whom repeated the same lies at the same time. It was not news, it was not fact, it was fake news propaganda, disinformation & coverups to increase the death count from the harmful C-19 (fake) vaccinations. Worse BBC, in return for that funding, collaborated with other MSM organisations to attack any person or organisation daring to publish the truth about Covid or the unsafe & ineffective ‘vaccines'. The ‘vaccines' (Pfizer & Moderna) came from the USDoD bioweapons facility at Ft Detrick, Maryland, USA. It took the BBC 30 years to establish themselves as the most trusted news agency on the planet. A position held for almost 90 years. This good work was undone in one year of fake news and malicious attacks on the truth. The BBC now finds itself exposed as guilty of premeditated manslaughter by the US Administration who are exposing how BBC is responsible for millions of deaths due to advising billions of people to take the DNA changing bioweapon injections from the infamous bioweapons lab. Those at the top of the BBC who took this money and caused millions of deaths by promoting the harmful bioweapon injections need to face charges, and justice, so that loved ones of the deceased can see that justice has been done and that they can finally get closure for the loss of their loved ones. An example needs to be made of BBC's senior management so that this second Holocaust is never repeated.
Feb 27, 2025
From best to worst
The change last year was regressive so I have no idea why they did it. Navigating is a nightmare to get the news you want.
Feb 28, 2025
Transphobic Reporting
I'll be deleting the app due to transphobic reporting & disinformation pertaining to gender affirming care. It's very sad that a once reliable news source has sunk to gutter press status.
Feb 28, 2025
generally good on breaking news and big issues. local news to Scotland and the borders region is very poor with some headline news remaining unchanged or updated for 2 to 3 days
Feb 28, 2025
The app is OK. But just don't trust the BBCs version of the news. Often negativly sensationalised and obviously to a lefty editors agenda. I want the news clean, unstyalised or politicised.
BBC News - Product Description
The BBC News app brings you the latest, breaking news from our trusted global network of journalists. Personalise your news offering with My News Add topics wherever you see the + icon for a quick route straight to the stories you care about. Stories from topics you add will appear in your personalised My News feed. Here you can order stories by topic or time to stay on top of the news of the day. Topics can be added, removed or re-ordered using the Edit function. Find content fast The app can suggest topics based on stories you’ve recently viewed and what’s in the news now. And you can quickly find topics that interest you using the Search tab. Choose from the familiar list of BBC News indexes such as Business, Technology, Entertainment and Health, or search for your own subjects of interest, whether they’re people, places, things or themes. More of the news you care about We offer a full selection of stories from the newsroom, and many ways to read the best journalism from BBC correspondents, including: - Popular - keep on top of the most read stories and most watched videos from across the BBC - Video - One-minute World News summary and the latest video stories - Live - BBC World Service Radio. Expertise and insight from our journalists available 24-hours a day and ready to listen to in the background as you browse Other features: - Push notifications for important news stories - Video over cellular and wifi - Improved offline experience. Download the latest stories when you have a signal and then read them at your leisure - Viewing modes. On iPhone see more stories per index by choosing ‘Compact layout’ from the Settings screen - Settings to allow the app to automatically update in the background - Share stories to your social networks, or email/SMS to a friend - Support for dynamic text. Articles in the app will respect the font size in your device settings so you can increase or decrease the story text size as suits your preference - Related stories, related topics. Go deeper into a storyline with suggestions for further reading and viewing and a range of topics related to each story If you choose to receive push notifications, a unique identifier relating to your device will be stored by Airship on behalf of the BBC to provide you with the service. You can choose to unsubscribe from push notifications from BBC News in your device’s ‘Notifications’ screen. No other personal data relating to you (such as a username or email address) is processed. The BBC will keep your information secure and not share it with anyone else in accordance with the BBC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy. To read BBC’s Privacy Policy go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/privacy If you install this app you accept the BBC Terms of Use at http://www.bbc.co.uk/terms
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