Bitlife Español | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-1 Point Past 30 Days
Category: Casual
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
212 Reports
212 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
0 Reports
0 Reports
User Feedback
0 Reports
0 Reports
212 Reports
212 Reports
Bitlife Español - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 26, 2025
Too much, TOO MUCH advertising, one click, one advertisement. You can't play quietly.
Feb 27, 2025
Can someone explain to me why the questions come out in Spanish and out of nowhere in English?
Feb 27, 2025
I played it again after a while and it's full of ads, I managed to make my character an athlete and to become a professional it asks me to buy the pack of I don't know what, I refused and it didn't let me accept the job offer, I guess I'll uninstall it if it limits all my options.
Feb 27, 2025
The game WAS good, now they added the option to become famous without paying, and also after your first few lives it starts making you die ALWAYS between the ages of 20 and 30, making it impossible for you to live a full life. Another thing is that now you have to pay for everything, before with effort you could be a professional athlete, a mafia boss, a famous actor, etc., now if you don't pay you can't, and the help function where you can send them about a problem only allows a few questions.
Feb 28, 2025
Very cool but when I go to install it it takes a long time but very cool I recommend it
Mar 1, 2025
The game is good, I like it a lot, but the damn problem is that the creators are starving. The game used to be super good, you didn't need to pay to do so many things. For example, today I wanted to make a soccer player and I got an offer from Madrid, but since I hadn't paid for the professional athlete package, it didn't let me accept the offer. Before, if that could be done, it wasn't necessary to pay, but the creators have created a great game, that's why I give it 2 ⭐
Mar 1, 2025
Good game even though it doesn't install
Mar 2, 2025
I paid 6.38 dollars and it says an error in the purchase and they took my money anyway
Mar 2, 2025
I really like this game!!! What I would like to see changed again is the option to be famous (have fame), since it was there before but I see that they removed it and now you have to pay to be able to be famous, but everything else is really good.
Bitlife Español - Product Description
BitLife Español: ¡La versión oficial de BitLife en español! ¿Cómo quieres vivir tu BitLife? ¿Intentarás tomar las decisiones correctas para convertirte en un ciudadano ejemplar antes de morir? Podrías casarte con el amor de tu vida, tener hijos y obtener una buena educación al mismo tiempo. ¿O tomarás decisiones que asustarán a tus padres? Podrías caer en el crimen, enamorarte o embarcarte en una aventura, iniciar disturbios en la prisión, contrabandear bolsas de lona y engañar a tu pareja. Tú eliges tu historia... Descubre cómo poco a poco las decisiones de la vida pueden sumar y determinar tu éxito en el juego de la vida. Los juegos de historias interactivas existen desde hace años. Pero este es el primer simulador de vida basado en texto que realmente simula y sacude la vida adulta.
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