Bokadirekt: Skönhet & Hälsa | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
5 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Health & Fitness
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
23 Reports
23 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
38 Reports
38 Reports
User Feedback
38 Reports
38 Reports
23 Reports
23 Reports
Bokadirekt: Skönhet & Hälsa - Latest Quality Issues
Dec 19, 2024
Two boxes for pnr, why? Name and phone number must be filled in even though name and phone number are already visible in the form at the top (previous customer), why? Awkward.
Dec 21, 2024
Laggig app
Substandard and laggy app where a lot of things don't work as they should
Dec 26, 2024
Cannot be used for a long time
I can't use the app anymore my IPhone can't have the latest iOS update required for this app.
Jan 16, 2025
Was good but what happened?
It was a great app. But woke up to the fact that I'm logged out and can't log in with Apple ID or Mail. Also not possible to search for anything.
Jan 16, 2025
Good app in the beginning but
Yesterday the app logged me out and tried several times to log in again but couldn't find my email address. After a few hours, it went... Very strange but hope it doesn't happen again. Otherwise good and smooth app!
Jan 19, 2025
Works well but the search function could be better.
Jan 30, 2025
Bugs with Voice Over
There are a few bugs for Voice Over users. For example, you can't navigate with Voice Over between weeks. The Voice Over gestures are interpreted as wanting to change weeks and suddenly you are very far ahead in time.
Feb 5, 2025
Dark mode is missing
This is not supported. Please fix it so it can be used in Dark Mode as well.
Mar 1, 2025
It just kept crashing when I was about to select a city and the app is sluggish, I don't know if it's something temporary or not?
Bokadirekt: Skönhet & Hälsa - Product Description
Gör som tusentals andra svenskar varje dag och boka din nästa behandling genom Bokadirekts app. Här hittar du alla behandlingar inom skönhet, hälsa och träning runt om i Sverige. Hitta rätt specialist och boka din behandling * Över 14 000 specialister inom skönhet, hälsa, träning och välbefinnande * Massage, frisör, naglar, fotvård, ansiktsbehandling, lash lift eller något helt annat. Här hittar du behandlingen du söker * Över 40 000 verifierade kundrecensioner hjälper dig att välja rätt * Sök på stad, gata eller i närheten. Bokadirekt finns över hela Sverige * Hitta något i sista minuten eller boka långt i förväg * Filtrera din sökning på popularitet, avstånd med mera Hantera och betala din bokning i appen * Gör ändringar när som helst, var som helst * Betala eller delbetala med Klarna * Gratis avbokning på de flesta behandlingarna * Se alla dina kommande och historiska behandlingar * Få vägbeskrivning, kontakta din specialist och skriv recensioner * Spara dina favoritställen Massage i Göteborg, frisör i Malmö, lash lift i Stockholm eller thaimassage i Örebro. Oavsett vad du vill boka eller var du bor i Sverige kan Bokadirekt hjälpa dig att boka rätt specialist.
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