BURGER KING España | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Food & Drink
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
204 Reports
204 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
29 Reports
29 Reports
User Feedback
29 Reports
29 Reports
204 Reports
204 Reports
BURGER KING España - Latest Quality Issues
Jan 26, 2025
Constantly fails
It's a shame that the app fails so often. I have used it on several occasions to place an order and pick it up at Autoking and it is a disaster. Sometimes at the end of placing the order the payment doesn't work. Other times you make the payment and when you go to scan the code at the establishment it gives an error. The staff at the establishment tell me that the app is a disaster and that I should cancel the order and that they will refund my money in a few days.
Jan 26, 2025
The application must be updated every time you use it.
Jan 26, 2025
You guys are driving me crazy. Who made the app for you? I'm a mobile developer and it's a disgrace that they're charging you for that nonsense. The location search engine is able to find my current location but when I hit search it takes me 4 km from my house. That's a big mistake, and all because they didn't want to use the search engine offered by Google Maps and act smart and create it themselves. Now it's giving an http 502 error which is an internal server error, probably some incorrect data in the DTO.
Jan 26, 2025
It works like a restaurant menu, but the prices of the products and their ingredients do not appear.
Jan 26, 2025
Fatal does not work a disaster
Jan 27, 2025
66MB of app seems like a lot to me. I have a latest generation pixel 9 pro and it takes 20 seconds to load the photos....really.
Jan 28, 2025
After several attempts to place an order to pick up at Autoking. First it didn't return to the platform when making the payment, second the order was cancelled and finally when it seemed to be ok, you arrive at Autoking and go to scan the QR and it turns out that the app doesn't read it or detect the QR. The manager of the premises tells me to cancel it and we order it here at the window. What happens is that there is no order code that I have to cancel it and start again??? What a disaster.
Jan 29, 2025
Terrible application interface...
Jan 29, 2025
Until recently it worked fine, but now it won't let me in. It doesn't accept my password, and when I ask for it to be sent to my email it says that I have a connection error, when that's not the case. I'm waiting for a solution so I can give it 5 stars again.
BURGER KING España - Product Description
¿Te apetece una de nuestras fabulosas hamburguesas a la parrilla? ¡Quítate el antojo de Burger! ¡Con la App de Burger King podrás realizar pedidos a domicilio, podrás recoger tu pedido para llevar o disfrutar de nuestras hamburguesas a la parrilla en cualquiera de nuestros restaurantes! ¡Todo con las mejores ofertas y cupones exclusivos solo a través de la App! Por cada pedido que realices, acumularás Coronas con MyBurgerKing, que te servirán para obtener hamburguesas y otros productos gratis, descuentos, entrar en sorteos… ¡y mucho más! ¡Con la App también podrás reservar para celebrar un cumpleaños e incluso hacernos un pedido para ser el catering de tus eventos! ¿CÓMO HACER UN PEDIDO?: • Elige si quieres tu pedido para recoger o para enviar a domicilio. Si estás en restaurante, introduce o escanea tu código para acumular Coronas. • Elige el restaurante en el que quieras recoger tu pedido o introduce tu dirección. Podrás decidir si quieres tu pedido ahora o más tarde y guardar varias direcciones para próximos pedidos. • Elige los productos que desees de la carta y añádelos a tu pedido: Menú Originals, Menús a la Parrilla, Menús de Pollo, Menús para Vegetarianos, Hamburguesas, Entrantes, Postres… • Elige tu método de pago. Podrás guardar los datos de tu tarjeta para futuros pedidos. • Controla en todo momento el estado de tu pedido: Sabrás si tu pedido está en cocina, en reparto… ¡De una manera rápida y fácil… en muy poco tiempo, tendrás tu pedido! CONTACTO: ¡Queremos que tu experiencia en Burger King sea la mejor! Si necesitas ayuda o tienes alguna sugerencia, puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros a través de este formulario: https://www.burgerking.es/contacts. También puedes encontrarnos en: • Nuestra web: https://www.burgerking.es/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/burgerkingespana • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/burgerking_es • Twitter: https://twitter.com/burgerking_es • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Burgerkingespana ¡No te quedes con las ganas de hamburguesa! ¡Descárgala ya!
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