Comics Bob | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-7 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Puzzle
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
163 Reports
163 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
0 Reports
0 Reports
User Feedback
0 Reports
0 Reports
163 Reports
163 Reports
Comics Bob - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 13, 2025
It's a nice game but it's a shame it doesn't have more levels
Feb 14, 2025
Keeps going back to the start
Feb 15, 2025
It did not have many levels
Feb 15, 2025
It's entertaining how bad it is that you turn it off because of so many ads.
Feb 21, 2025
Lots of ads ads ads.
Feb 22, 2025
There's only a lot of commercial
Feb 27, 2025
Dear developers, a very cool game, but there are downsides: firstly, the plot ends abruptly and the levels start over. Well, there is no logic in this game(.💔 I hope there will be a sequel that will be much better! And I will be able to give it 5 stars. ❤️
Feb 27, 2025
Are you normal? I don't intend to play the game and I won't, but I'm concerned about the ads. What is this supposed to be? It's supposedly marked as a game "for children" but these ads? Seriously.. sexual innuendos in games for children? Embarrassing.
Mar 1, 2025
It takes a long time for the game to install, but it finally installed it, removing all of this😓😓😶
Comics Bob - Product Description
🗿 Comics Bob – Mind-bending puzzles and classic cartoon fun! Comics Bob caveman! Comics Bob not clever man. Comic Bob love ❤ cave lady. Cave lady in danger. Comics Bob confused. Comics Bob need friend with big brain! 🧠 🔥 Yabadaba-doh! Help lovable doofus Bob and his beautiful lady 👩 friend overcome the trials and tribulations of paleolithic romance in this wacky cartoon puzzle game where you make the choices for the hapless prehistoric heroes. Choose right or choose wrong, the answer’s always guaranteed to be a blast as situations unfold with the humor and ingenuity of classic cartoon capers. Sneaky saber-toothed tigers 🐯, manic monkeys, tricksy pterodactyls and even inquisitive aliens are all conspiring to rend our star-crossed stone-age lovers asunder, so you’ll need all your lateral thinking and puzzle-solving skills to save them, get them back together and ensure the future of the human race doesn’t go tumbling over a cliff into oblivion. 🪨 Stone-age technology! ★ Endless prehistoric puzzle fun – enjoy dozens of unique levels of logic adventures with Comics Bob and his stone-age queen. Each situation has two possible outcomes: disaster or delight for poor bewildered Bob, but so much fun for you that you won’t mind trying again if you can’t get it right first time. 🤯 ★ A Paleo diet for your brain – attune your sophisticated 21st century brain to the wild primitive thinking of the stone age, where the tools are simple but the uses they can be put to are ingenious. You’ll need all your guile and imagination to choose the right answers and get Bob and his missus past the obstacles that stand in the way of true love. ★ Cave art, cave music, cave party! – the setting may be primitive and the gameplay couldn’t be simpler, but the graphics and music in Comics Bob are gorgeous, recalling over a century of classic cartoons and comics, and ensuring a joyful experience for players of all ages. ★ You can’t stop progress! – regular updates and new episodes ensure the fun keeps on coming. What’s Bob got up his loin cloth this time? You’ll never guess in this zany puzzle-solving adventure where the surprises never end. Get primitive! Tired of the complexities and stresses of hi-tech modern life? This is the game for you! Get back to a simpler and even sillier time when women were real women, men were really dumb, and romance somehow flourished nonetheless! Download Comics Bob today to explore a wild and wacky ancient world filled with colorful creatures and crazy situations, save humanity from its own stupidity, and enjoy innocent, endlessly entertaining pre-historic puzzle fun! Privacy Policy: https://say.games/privacy-policy Terms of Use: https://say.games/terms-of-use
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