
Compte ameli | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Health & Fitness
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30-Day Trend
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
1328 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
21 Reports
User Feedback
21 Reports
1328 Reports
Compte ameli - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 28, 2025
Easy steps for the various procedures, however access to the account is still complicated: responses obtained: mailbox already used, invalid code...
Feb 28, 2025
It is not possible to submit a document when I am asked to provide one. It is not possible to talk to someone, we are forced to use the chatbot which does not necessarily provide a solution to our problem. In the end, a stressful situation where I am asked to do something by threatening me and to which I cannot respond.
Feb 28, 2025
Not all features are available on the mobile app
Mar 1, 2025
The application is quite intuitive, it's a shame that you can't send documents...
Mar 1, 2025
Being disconnected and having to re-enter a security code each time, THUS having to go to your email again: all these security procedures are tiring!!! What if someone hacks my email? I no longer have access to the application? No way. We should receive all this on our phone, by SMS.
Mar 1, 2025
For those who have to declare for celiac disease nothing is practical, even less the fact that the application takes you back to the reception DURING a process, it's really a pain
Mar 1, 2025
Unable to connect, the keyboard does not appear so I cannot enter my codes. Application installed and uninstalled several times, nothing works
Mar 1, 2025
Your "artificial intelligence" is not up to scratch because it is unable to understand a statement in everyday French. I remind you for all intents and purposes that the purpose of AI is to simplify the user's task and not to waste their time! It is up to computer scientists to do their job and not for users who have their own job and which they accomplish without seeking external help to compensate for their deficiencies...
Mar 1, 2025
Not practical because it is not possible to send files via the app, lack of response with the chat
Compte ameli - Product Description
Connectez-vous à votre compte avec votre numéro de sécurité sociale et votre code personnel ou via l'authentification biométrique (disponible sur smartphone) et accéder à tous les services suivants :

Consultez vos remboursements de soins :
- Visualisez tous vos remboursements en détails

Consultez tous vos documents :
- Téléchargez votre attestation de droits ou d’indemnités journalières
- Téléchargez vos relevés mensuels de remboursements, disponibles pour les 27 derniers mois

Réalisez certaines démarches sans vous déplacer :
- Simulez et estimez vos indemnités journalières, et prenez connaissance de vos éventuelles démarches
- Transmettez vos certificats médicaux pour un accident de travail ou une maladie professionnelle à votre caisse depuis votre smartphone
- Suivez vos arrêts de travail
- Commandez votre carte européenne d’assurance maladie (CEAM) et visualisez-la sur votre smartphone/tablette
- Déclarez la perte ou le vol de votre carte Vitale
- Commandez une carte Vitale
- Modifiez votre nom d’usage
- Déclarez votre nouveau-né à votre caisse
- Inscrivez votre enfant sur les cartes des deux parents
- Déclarez un accident causé par un tiers
- Accédez à la simulation de vos droits aux aides sociales
- Consultez les délais de traitement de votre caisse
- Résolvez un cas de chevauchement de contrats d'organismes complémentaires

Gérez vos informations personnelles :
- Retrouvez toutes vos informations personnelles
- Modifiez votre adresse email et vos numéros de téléphone
- Déclarez votre changement de coordonnées bancaires
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