
Doctolib | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-5 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Medical
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
835 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
91 Reports
User Feedback
91 Reports
835 Reports
Doctolib - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 28, 2025
Not working anymore at the moment why
Feb 28, 2025
Can you add a feature to give your OPINION on Doctolib? For example, I had to deal with an ophthalmologist who did not clean the machines between each visit (foundation marks, disgusting) It would be useful to warn people who want to make an appointment and avoid having unpleasant surprises
Mar 1, 2025
The list of doctor's practices disappears completely when you want to go back to the list from a practice. Possible appointments are shown earlier than those that can actually be booked at the practice. You choose that you have statutory insurance and only notice when you book an appointment that a practice only treats people with statutory insurance as self-payers. It's a shame, otherwise it would have real added value.
Mar 1, 2025
Too slow to open
Mar 1, 2025
No filters to select location. Search does not work properly. It offers me doctors from another cities even when I set my location in a profile. Useless
Mar 1, 2025
Currently it is not possible from my application to add my child to my profile because the box to enter the city of birth does not work. When I write and then select my city from the drop-down menu it does not enter anything, the box remains empty and blocks the recording of the profile.
Mar 1, 2025
I tried to search several times for professionals near where we live now (Beinasco TO), but not only I was unable to find them because it does not store my municipality, but even when it did, professionals who were actually very distant appeared to me and then I learned later that there were some much closer. Furthermore, I do not think it is right that not everyone puts in as much as they earn as many others do!
Mar 1, 2025
Worse and worse! False or obsolete information. Sends you very far: Montbard (?), Dinan, etc., while you are in the Paris region. Technical support below everything. No wonder doctors unsubscribe.
Mar 1, 2025
Not compatible with rooted phone.
Doctolib - Product Description
L'application mobile de Doctolib vous permet de gérer votre santé plus simplement : 
• Accédez aux disponibilités de dizaines de milliers de professionnels de santé.
• Prenez rendez-vous en ligne, 24h/24 et 7j/7, pour une consultation physique ou vidéo.
• Recevez des rappels automatiques dans l'application.
• Retrouvez votre historique de rendez-vous et vos documents médicaux.

Découvrez la consultation vidéo de Doctolib et gagnez en confort de vie :
• Gagnez du temps : consultez à distance là où vous le souhaitez et éviter les déplacements
• Obtenez un rendez-vous plus rapidement : 2 consultations vidéo sur 3 ont lieu moins de 24 heures après la prise de rendez-vous.
• Réalisez une consultation de qualité : sécurisée et remboursée comme une consultation physique

Doctolib est le leader de la prise de rendez-vous en ligne avec aujourd'hui : 
• 80 millions de patients
• 340 000 personnels de santé

Votre santé. Vos données.
La confidentialité de vos informations personnelles est une priorité absolue pour Doctolib et guide notre action au quotidien. Pour en savoir plus : https://about.doctolib.fr/confidentialite/

Une question ? Rendez-vous ici : https://www.doctolib.fr/help
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