
Douglas – Parfüm & Kosmetik | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
0 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Lifestyle
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
364 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
323 Reports
User Feedback
323 Reports
364 Reports
Douglas – Parfüm & Kosmetik - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 26, 2025
App not working
The app has been down for a few days. It is impossible to access it
Feb 26, 2025
Hello, please be careful with this application because I was scammed because the money was taken from my account and I did not receive the perfume, I called the hotline and the woman was not nice. I asked for a refund and did not receive it, although I sent confirmation, the money still did not reach my account, so please consider this application as for people who are consultants.
Feb 26, 2025
The light gray letters are hard to read, otherwise 5 stars.
Feb 26, 2025
Don't trust these scammers. As long as your orders arrive, everything is fine. But when the package arrives empty or with the goods destroyed and you ask for a refund, they won't do it. They keep your money and you will have made a donation rather than a purchase. Moreover, they don't even send you a replacement product. They push you to close the disputes on PayPal with the excuse that the refund is blocked due to the dispute. When you remove the dispute, they won't refund you anyway. Don't trust me, I had a terrible experience with them and I gave them my money back. Their app and their website are misleading advertising. There are no refunds even after 14 days. They will give you excuses after excuses after excuses and in the meantime your refund will never arrive.
Feb 26, 2025
One of the best sellers of all types of products, with really good prices and fast shipping. Maybe the site needs to be reviewed a bit because it sometimes freezes or is slow
Feb 27, 2025
It hasn't worked in days
For a few days the app has not worked and nothing opens and it only says: an error occurred!!!
Feb 28, 2025
Does not load
The app won't load anymore. Everything worked fine at first. But for a few days now I've been getting an error message telling me to try again later. Unfortunately the update didn't help either.
Feb 28, 2025
App has stopped working.
App doesn't work despite new installation...
Feb 28, 2025
App doesn't work
I haven't been able to access the app for days. There's an error message the whole time 👎👎👎🫥
Douglas – Parfüm & Kosmetik - Product Description
Die Douglas-App – das Must-have auf deinem Smartphone oder Tablet! Entdecke die ganze Douglas Welt und finde deine neuen Lieblingsprodukte in unseren Kategorien von Make-up über Parfum bis hin zu Home & Lifestyle. Shoppe beliebte Kosmetik-Brands wie benefit oder Mac Cosmetics und scroll dich in unserer Online-Parfümerie durch Düfte für jeden Anlass. 
Verlieb dich mit der Douglas-App rund um die Uhr in neue Produkte, Trends und Styles – das kleinste Beauty-Case der Welt wartet auf dich!

Genieße exklusive Vorteile & App-Features: 

• DOUGLAS BEAUTY CARD: Sammle mit jedem Einkauf in der App oder in unseren Filialen wertvolle Douglas Beauty Points (derzeit nur in Deutschland verfügbar).
• DOUGLAS BEAUTY MIRROR: Teste frische Make-up Looks mit dem Schminkspiegel der besonderen Art! Entdecke Lippenstifte, Foundation, Mascara & Co., die dich perfekt in Szene setzen. Unser Augmented Reality Tool legt sich wie ein Filter über dein Gesicht und stellt dir Highlight Produkte sowie verschiedene Styles vor. Wedding Look, Nude Make-up oder doch lieber French Chic? Du entscheidest! 
• BEAUTY-TIPPS & NEWS: Lass dich von unserem Online-Magazin inspirieren und entdecke die angesagtesten, saisonalen Beauty Trends! 
• Finde alle Neuheiten auf einen Blick und erhalte neue Angebote aus dem Douglas Sale.
• Aktiviere unsere Push Notifications und werde als Erstes über die neuesten Angebote und Aktionen informiert. So bleibst du stets up to date und verpasst keine Rabattaktion.
•FAVORITE BRANDS: Personalisiere die Douglas-App mit deinen Lieblingsmarken und erhalte speziell angepasste Inhalte, bei denen deine Favoriten immer an erster Stelle stehen! 
•NACHKAUF-FUNKTION: Bestell deine Beauty- und Parfumlieblinge ganz bequem mit nur wenigen Klicks nach. Alle deine Favoriten sind schon aufgefüllt? Dann pausiere die gewünschten Produkte in der Nachkauf-Funktion oder entferne sie. Mach die Douglas-App zu deiner individuellen Einkaufsliste!
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