
GhostTube | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Entertainment
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
212 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
34 Reports
User Feedback
34 Reports
212 Reports
GhostTube - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 23, 2025
would've loved to keep it as someone who works with infernal entities, but it's become scary. which is good. means the app works. one who i work with touches me for some reason and every time, ive gotten the message “he's touching you” or “im touching you” which is always on my back which is fine bc I FEEL IT. it just trips me out too much. i'm only rating it 4 stars because there was something i wanted to screenshot in the message history but it only went down to 29 with the premium so i didn't get to see what i needed to. so bummer. neat app, but it's trippy.
Feb 23, 2025
I appreciated your application but it doesn't work like a toy when I started contact with ghosts they responded and I felt a strong magnetic wave since I'm 12 years old I can feel them and now how to calm them down???
Feb 26, 2025
It's not clear, how come the electric girder was diagnosed as having a ghost, the iron is long too, the basin looks like someone sitting 🤣🤣, it's not clear
Feb 26, 2025
Ah, it's a pain when you point it at the electrical outlet, there's a line that just keeps on jumping around..
Feb 27, 2025
Lags, my phone can't handle it, I'm moving. I give the game 1 star.
Feb 27, 2025
After two minutes it freezes if you don't upgrade to the premium version
App only apparently free, it crashes after a handful of minutes of use with a message that invites you to buy the premium version or, alternatively, come back the next day to take advantage of another two free minutes. Totally unusable under these conditions. It would be much more honest to put it on the paid store and that's it. Uninstalled.
Feb 28, 2025
Hello, in my opinion this application is very commercial and a bit fake 🤔🤔
Mar 1, 2025
It should appear the same if you see the same point on 2 different cell phones, but it doesn't.
Mar 1, 2025
It's totally useless, just says the same words every time, my wife passed away, and it hasn't made any contact with her once, just the app saying the words that come through, just to get you to part with your money, total waste of time.
GhostTube - Product Description
GhostTube uses your mobile device's actual sensors to detect fluctuations in magnetic energy, select words from the pre-populated data bank, and track audio recordings during your paranormal investigations. No special sound or visual FX added - Just raw readings from your device. Read more about how it works over at GhostTube.com

Features included with the GhostTube paranormal app:
- Magnetic Field Detector, using the phones built-in magnetometer to measure magnetic fields and detect the presense of EMF just like devices used by real investigators
- Sound Spectrum Analyzer to assist in identifying electronic voice phenomenon, for recording EVPs
- Ghost Dictionary with up to 1000 commonly used names and words in over 20 languages*
- Custom voices
- Low light video filters to aid video filming in dark places
- Word log for tracking generated words*
- Customizable skins and filters to enhance and personalize your paranormal videos*

*Some features may require in-app purchases.

For more paranormal investigation and ghost hunting tools, check out our other apps..

GhostTube offers in-app purchases and subscriptions. Refer to our website for a full list of terms and conditions, including those relating to auto-renewable subscriptions: GhostTube.com/terms

GhostTube is intended for use and enjoyment on real paranormal investigations and is a suitable substitute or supplementery device for many of the devices used on a typical investigation. But just like any other paranormal tool, you need to understand and consider how it works when interpreting results. For example, GhostTube selects words, phrases or sounds when specific magnetic signatures are detected by the magnetometer in your device. As such, words, sounds or phrases generated are never a suitable basis for making any legal, medical or other important life decisions. Generated words or sounds do not represent the official view or opinion of the developer or its affiliates, and should never be interpreted as instructions or requests. Read more at GhostTube.com
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