idealista | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
9 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Productivity
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
375 Reports
375 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
77 Reports
77 Reports
User Feedback
77 Reports
77 Reports
375 Reports
375 Reports
idealista - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 25, 2025
This app needs to be updated. It's ridiculous that it doesn't minimise to the background, it closes completely, which is extremely annoying if you are trying to be on it most of the time. Doest draft the message also if you type and leave the app due to a phone call or something.
Feb 26, 2025
Beautiful but I hate that the filters are not true. If I put the garden option I don't want to see second floor houses with balconies.....
Feb 26, 2025
Looking for an apartment
I can't find a flat
Feb 27, 2025
Good but not great
The app works great for property searches in both the sale and purchase phases. But requests for information via chat are non-existent, no one has ever responded, no one has ever contacted me. Terrible
Feb 28, 2025
This app charges you to highlight your listing, takes money via Google play and... Doesn't do anything. After contacting Idealista I did not get any reply, so still waiting for the Google Play to refund my money.
Feb 28, 2025
my review refers to something that happened today after years of using idealista. This night a payment for an automatic renewal was made that was mistakenly activated. Perhaps after half an hour on the phone they told me that I lost my money because they cannot cancel a payment made today and that I should have received emails regarding the expiration date but I never received anything, I have never sold anything from idealista and therefore I do not want to renew. but they do not want to understand
Feb 28, 2025
The app is fine. But there is no way to give feedback on the experience we have as users. Out of 20 ads, only 1 responds. The rest already have their place reserved, they don't respond, they are scams or they direct you to a WhatsApp that also doesn't respond. I will uninstall it.
Mar 1, 2025
In general very good app. However they really need to update the filters and populate them with additional categories like if there is heating or not and possibilty to be able to select floors. As middle floors is very generic when you want to avoid seeing results for 1st or 2ns floor
Mar 1, 2025
It has duplicate and triplicate ads. Otherwise, excellent.
idealista - Product Description
At idealista we have the most complete app to buy, sell or rent any property in Spain, Italy and Portugal. If you want to sell or rent a property on our app you will have all the tools to publish it and find a buyer or tenant in record time. If you are looking for a house, a parking space, a room to rent or any other type of property, we have more than a million listings at your disposal. Some of the things you can do with our app if you are looking for a property are: • Draw your area of interest on the map. Enter the idealista map and draw the limits of the search area with your finger. Once drawn, we will show you all the listings within the area that meet your requirements and you will be able to see the map of all the properties to compare them at a glance. It's that easy. • Find properties near you. Allow the idealista app to access your location to show you available properties in the vicinity. • Activate alerts and notifications to find out first. If you are looking for a room or a house, you will know how important it is to be first in line. For this reason, we have our immediate alert system. Carry out a search on idealista with the area and the requirements you are interested in and save it with a name. Activate the alerts for that search and every time a new listing is published that meets your criteria or a property is reduced in price, we will let you know with an immediate notification on your mobile phone. • Chat with the advertisers to solve all your doubts or arrange a visit to see a property. • Create a tenant profile. In our app you can create a profile to introduce yourself when you contact an advertiser and have more chances of being the tenant of the property you are interested in. Don't hesitate to try out our app!
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