
Math Scanner - Math Solutions | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Education
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817 Reports
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0 Reports
817 Reports
Math Scanner - Math Solutions - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 22, 2025
I'm trying to see
Feb 22, 2025
This app is so bad. It doesn't give you answers or even try to explain anything. Such a waste of time. All these other 4-5 star reviews are lies, this app is terrible.
Feb 22, 2025
I really like the app but l wish it wasn't so expensive 😔
Feb 23, 2025
It asks pack
Feb 23, 2025
Only loading and many ads with no functions.. Maybe Prank
Feb 25, 2025
I give it four stars because it is very good, it makes school or math problems easier for you so you don't have to struggle and the bad thing is that it shows you ads and it takes up your time, you have little time, so what?
Feb 25, 2025
Not helping me at all Not giving me the answers that i want I don't even know how to use it It doesn't teach me like how i want
Feb 27, 2025
What I don't like is that they ask for proof and if you don't do it, they let you see two ads. And that is harmful, it is useful, but what they ask for proof is what is harmful. I would just have to solve it without asking for an ad.
Feb 28, 2025
He did half and left the other half. Even 2 is too much.
Math Scanner - Math Solutions - Product Description
Math Scanner by Photo - Solve My Math Problem Maths will give you the answer to any math question by simply taking a photo of it. With millions of users and many problems solved, math way is the world's smartest math calculator app. With a smart calculator, you just need to enter the formula and the equation calculator will give you answers automatically. Simply point your camera toward a problem and photo calculator will magically show the result with detailed step-by-step instructions. The calculator will give you the answer to any math question by simply taking a photo of it. The calculator is a great way to check your homework, study and learn math. Supports arithmetic, integers, fractions, decimal numbers, roots, algebraic expressions, linear equations/inequalities, quadratic equations/inequalities, absolute equations/inequalities, systems of equations, logarithms, trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, derivatives and integrals, graphs and many more.

Features of Math Scanner - Solve My Math Problem:

# Calculate math problems with the camera.
# Math scanner with no internet required.
# Step by step solutions for easy learning.
# Smart calculator with graphing and tables.
# Can solve simple to the advanced math question.
# Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, algebra, percentage, EMI, interest, etc can be solved.
# Click a photo of any mathematical problem & solve that problem for you.

Math scanner - solve my math problem you can scan the problems and get quick and accurate math answers. This solve math by camera app will assist you with all the problems when you are doing homework. Photo calculator solver is a valuable tool for a parent helping with his kid 's math homework and attempting to remember middle-school algebra, photo calculator, take a photo to solve math. Our problem solver is designed to help you with your math homework. In addition to homework answers, we also show you how to get there step-by-step. Let me help you with your apps math homework today.

Solve math by camera Calculator is a useful and easy to use a calculator with a basic calculator, scientific calculator and also an equation solver and a great maths homework solver which can solve maths problems more efficiently, quickly and accurately by the camera. This is cymath answers for math help with math solver online to photo math solver. How to solve math problems is photomath apps to solve my problem solving app. That is answer my problems with math solution app or math problems with answers. A photomath android or math answer app to solve any math equation solver.

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Camera calculator solver can simply snap photo calculator and solver instantly delivers the photo calculator answers for math solution while also providing step by step solution. You can mathematics apps and math homework answers to solve the sum app. A photomath with solution offline with photo math trigonometry calculator for math quiz games. For math education and math word problem solver with math photo scanner to math tutor app. Any other problems such as calculus, equation systems, complex math, graphing, table of values, and more solutions.

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