
Miravia: App de compras online | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Shopping
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
360 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
54 Reports
User Feedback
54 Reports
360 Reports
Miravia: App de compras online - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 26, 2025
Terrible management. I placed an order that did not arrive and due to poor management, I was reimbursed for one product but not for the other (the most expensive one) from the same shipment!! I opened incidents and they closed them due to lack of information. Regrettable.
Feb 27, 2025
Unfortunately! They don't take responsibility for anything, the seller doesn't answer and they don't open a dispute or take care of anything... I bought a mobile phone, it's under warranty and they don't offer me any solution for the repair. Shameful!!
Feb 27, 2025
Terrible, since September 2024 I've been trying to manage a return, I don't have the product and they don't want to give me my money back, thieves and unpresentable people, a horrible and awful app, I won't use it again,.......very disappointed and very upset 😡😡😡😤😤😤🤬🤬🤬
Feb 27, 2025
RUN FROM MIRAVIA. Terrible handling of complaints. If everything arrives well, there is no problem, but if a problem arises with an order, forget about reasonable after-sales service. After reaching an agreement with the seller on how to solve a problem with an item, it was Miravia who rejected the solution agreed between the seller and the buyer. The reason? I still don't know. After several calls with customer service, there is no information or solution. RUN FROM THIS STORE.
Feb 28, 2025
The worst app for shopping, I placed an order on January 13th which did not arrive and it said that the package was delivered with my ID and my signature, which is totally false, and after giving me the runaround they tell me that I am no longer within the refund period because the girl who answered the first call did not do her job well and that Miravia is not responsible for it, I find it shameful that they do not take responsibility for their staff, what an incompetent company. DELETED APPLICATION
Mar 1, 2025
The worst platform I have ever seen in terms of returns and refunds. They are thieves. They have had me talking to them every week for four months for nothing. They have kept my money and my order. 50 euros that I am not going to recover because the seller is a thief and Miravia is not responsible for anything. They tell me that they will accept a manual refund because the seller does not answer, that it is approved and the next day they have denied it. I have already deleted my account of course. Terrible
Mar 1, 2025
I bought 3 orders and everything was great. But when I bought the 4th order it was lost or stolen. Nobody answers me. How can I make a claim?
Mar 1, 2025
BE CAREFUL WHEN BUYING, if you think you are going to save by buying products, you are wrong, there are stores that operate here "Spain" from outside the EEC, it is not known ... if the product has a defect, BE CAREFUL because they are not responsible for the GUARANTEE BY LAW OF 2-3 YEARS, MIRAVIA IS EXEMPTED FROM ALL RESPONSIBILITY WHEN IT IS BY LAW, IT IS NOT A WITHDRAWAL WHICH IS 30 days, IT IS A GUARANTEE FOR POSTERIOR DEFECT, MIRAVIA DOES NOT COMPLY WITH ITS SALES POLICY BY NOT ADVISING OF THIS ANYWHERE, I threw away the product, it came out bad and
Mar 1, 2025
The app is cumbersome, unclear and confusing. An item I ordered was stolen and the store has not taken responsibility. The customer service department sends unclear messages that I did not understand. I am left without a tablet, without money and looking like a fool because I did not understand the messages. Not at all recommended.
Miravia: App de compras online - Product Description
En nuestra app de compras encontrarás todo lo que te puedas imaginar: ropa, calzado, maquillaje y accesorios de moda, hasta lo último en tecnología, equipamiento deportivo y más. Y lo mejor de todo es que puedes hacer tus compras online de forma fácil y divertida. Una selección de grandes y relevantes marcas pensadas para ti. Disfruta de un mundo de posibilidades con Miravia.

Ventajas de Miravia app durante Summer Days hasta el 16 de julio
- Un cupón de bienvenida de un 20% dto. para tu primera compra
- Envío gratis para pedidos superiores a 10€ en app o 17,90€ en web con envíos de Miravia
- 30 días de devolución gratis en artículos enviados por Miravia
-Hasta 20€ de reembolso al pagar con Revolut*
- Ofertas flash diarias con hasta el 70% dto. en grandes marcas
- Acceso exclusivo a cupones de tus marcas y artículos favoritos
- Descuento de 3€ al hacer una primera valoración de un producto

Compra online todas las marcas que amas
Sabemos que quieres lucir espectacular con las mejores prendas, tener lo último en tecnología y equipar tu hogar con marcas premium. Miravia es tu tienda online con lo más top en belleza como Body Shop, Bella Aurora, Freshly Cosmetics, Nivea, NYX, ¡y más! Si eres amante de la moda y el calzado, aquí encontrarás todo lo que buscas: Nike, Adidas, Converse, Born living Yoga, Ecoalf, Renatta&Go... Consigue los estilos que más se llevan: monos de mujer, vestidos, camisetas, pantalones y botas, tus bolsos favoritos o las zapatillas y sandalias que más te gustan. Y, ¿qué hay de la tecnología y el hogar? Delonghi, Playstation, Cecotec, Oral B, Asus, Zwilling, Lekué, Intex, Bra, Padel Nuestro, Lego, Disney, Lavazza, Dodot and Fairy son solo algunas de las marcas que harán que tengas una casa y estilo de vida de ensueño: consolas, joyeros, drones, televisiones, ordenadores portátiles, maletas, sacos de dormir o muebles son tan solo algunos de los ejemplos de todo lo que podrás encontrar en Miravia.

Promociones y precios atractivos
No puedes olvidar las promociones y lanzamientos exclusivos que te pondrán difícil resistirte a comprar aquello que te encanta. Porque no solo encuentras calidad sino, además, precios irresistibles. La moda premium, los acesorios que mejor combinan como relojes, gafas, pulseras, collares o pendientes, tus zapatos favoritos, lo más top en belleza, o la tecnología más innovadora no tiene por qué ser cara. Y es que, al descargar la app, tendrás acceso antes que nadie a las mejores promociones y ofertas.

Inspiración llevada al siguiente nivel
Solo tú sabes cómo eres y lo que te mueve por dentro, pero nosotros tenemos las marcas y artículos que se convertirán en tus favoritos. Y para llevarlo al siguiente nivel encontrarás Explora, donde usuarios como tú, influencers y marcas compartirán contigo tendencias, looks, tutoriales, opiniones… Así que no lo pienses más y mantente al día para crear tu estilo propio.

Experiencia de compra sencilla 
A través de nuestra app descubrirás que comprar ropa, comprar zapatos o comprar acesorios de forma online no puede resultar más cómodo. Desde el registro sencillo en la app hasta el método de pago seguro, pasando por el proceso intuitivo y visual de seguimiento de tu pedido.

¿Te gusta Miravia? Nos encantaría saber qué opinas de nosotros y también de la app. Déjanos una valoración y nos esforzaremos por ofrecerte la mejor experiencia posible de compra online. 

¿Has encontrado ese vestido premium para tu amiga? ¿o has visto algo que merece la pena que conozca el resto del mundo? Comparte tus favoritos en WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest o incluso TikTok.
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