
PENNY Angebote & Coupons | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Food & Drink
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
780 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
65 Reports
User Feedback
65 Reports
780 Reports
PENNY Angebote & Coupons - Latest Quality Issues
Jan 28, 2025
Currently unusable! "A browser is required to log in to the PENNY account. Please install a browser on your device." I have Firefox, Chrome and the Samsung browser, what else should I have on my smartphone? Which browser would the PENNY app accept? Interesting, so the second largest smartphone manufacturer in the world is to blame if the PENNY app is unable to find or open a browser on the phone.
Jan 28, 2025
10% coupon does not work
After activating every coupon this week, the 10% coupon was not credited. Only one coupon is visible on the receipt, and the app itself says that I have activated everything that is possible. Penny itself says that I am apparently not logged in. I also sent a photo from the app showing that I am logged in! I logged in with my Apple ID, but it is anonymized and customer service refuses to deal with the problem because of a different email address and I am asked to please use the email address stored in the app to contact support. After multiple contacts, I always get the same standard message!!! Disgraceful and abysmal service
Jan 28, 2025
Useless, because it keeps telling you to install a browser. I don't want a non-functioning app on my phone. Since Payback points are no longer available, Penny is no longer attractive to me. Thanks for the tip. I won't do that. The app has been uninstalled and will stay that way. I will do my shopping elsewhere in the future. Customer successfully lost!
Jan 28, 2025
Where is the support if you can no longer log in because you supposedly don't have a browser. I have one on my phone and I can't scan any benefits etc. So the app is obviously a total joke. Are you going to fix the problem?
Jan 28, 2025
Incredibly slow. Coupons won't load.
Jan 28, 2025
Super cumbersome app! I love shopping at Penny but it's annoying that you have to activate each coupon individually. There are also people who don't have the time to meticulously select all the coupons... If you're already using your app and giving away your data, then you should get the discounts without spending a lot of time. You could take a leaf out of KAUFLAND's book 😉
Jan 29, 2025
You can't even get in!!!!!
Jan 29, 2025
I can't log in with the app or it doesn't respond
Jan 29, 2025
Since the app was changed you have to invest a lot more time to save money but that is intentional hence no longer 5 stars and that could decrease further if it is more complicated to use!!!
PENNY Angebote & Coupons - Product Description
Mit der kostenlosen PENNY App erledigst du deinen Einkauf im Handumdrehen und sparst neben Zeit auch noch Geld. Digital geplant - smart gespart!

Hol dir deine Vorteile – ohne Registrierung:

Aktuelle PENNY-Angebote immer dabei und mit einem Klick auf der Einkaufsliste. So verpasst du garantiert kein Schnäppchen mehr! Du blätterst lieber durch’s Prospekt? Das aktuelle Prospekt findest du auch in der App.

Spare wöchentlich mit exklusiven App Coupons auf attraktive Produkte. Profitiere zusätzlich bei jedem Einkauf, indem du PAYBACK Punkte sammelst und PAYBACK eCoupons einlöst. Erhalte Zugang zu exklusiven Gewinnspielen, sichere dir tolle Sofortgewinne und löse sie direkt im Markt ein.

Scanne deinen Vorteilscode bei jedem Einkauf an der Kasse und genieße automatisch alle Vorteile. So einfach war sparen noch nie!

Sofort PENNY-Angebote auf die Einkaufsliste setzen, weitere Produkte ergänzen und mit Familie und Freunden gemeinsam weiter planen. Einfach Einladungslink verschicken und schon seit ihr immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand. Im Markt erleichtern euch große Produktbilder das Abhaken.

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Ausgezeichnet sparen
2022 sind wir zum dritten Mal in Folge mit dem App Award ausgezeichnet worden. Überzeug dich selbst und lade dir jetzt die PENNY App!

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