
RBC Mobile | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-1 Point Past 30 Days
Category: Finance
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
151 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
29 Reports
User Feedback
29 Reports
151 Reports
RBC Mobile - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 28, 2025
Takes too much space
It's 500 MG of Ram!
Feb 28, 2025
Latest update
Overall the app is good. However since the latest update the account preview function has been horrible. Constantly saying it's been awhile please log in to turn on account preview again, basically defeating the purpose of that function. And it does this even if you've logged in within that same day so clearly struggling to register how long it's actually been since you logged in.
Feb 28, 2025
Desktop version, not for daily trading
It is hard to time the right to order for a volatile day. You have to move your eyes too often just to go through one transaction. My suggestion is to move the menu bar to the bottom and the option for the order status to be more visible by real time.
Feb 28, 2025
once installed on one of your devices its like your attempting a bank robbery to attempt accessing your own account on any other device. multiple verification, texted codes and setting preferred devices, only to have to do it all over again next time. Easier to just drive to some other bank.
Feb 28, 2025
Not supporting older phones!
Mar 1, 2025
Can't install my Bank app on my brand new new Samsung tablet...? I really need this app. I live far from my bank. Should I switch??? Ohhhh but yeah I saw you told other people to use their cell phones......
Mar 1, 2025
My phone is not compatible with the app but it still tells me to use the app, so I can't do any banking online...ridiculous
Mar 1, 2025
Why does my app keep saying update which sends me here and then there is no option to update, only to open the app I already have? I see that I had a reply with incorrect information. Apparently you need Android 12 or higher for the investments part of the app. Very bad idea.
Mar 1, 2025
I had the mobile app and lost it. Now it won't download. It says my tablet is not compatible with the RBC Mobile App.
RBC Mobile - Product Description
The RBC Mobile* app takes mobile banking to the next level. Everyday banking is always convenient, but our app helps make managing your money even easier. Our fresh and intuitive design gives you easy access to everything you'd expect from a banking app: account balances, money transfers, bill payments, cheque deposits, ATM locations and more. But we didn't stop there. We made it easier to find each feature with improved navigation. Our Action Button and Manage Menu take the most important tools and put them right at your fingertips. The best part? These menus are tailored to each page. 

Exclusive to the RBC Mobile app, NOMI plays a big part of the app experience. NOMI Insights help you manage your day-to-day finances with personalized tips and spend trends. NOMI Find & Save helps make saving easy by taking a look at your spending habits to find a little extra money and saves it for you – so you don't have to. 

We know you'll love everything the RBC Mobile app offers, and we want you to feel safe and secure using it. Starting at sign in, we've given you access to the latest in biometric identification technology, like Touch ID or Face ID, so you can securely access the app without having to remember your password. If you misplace your credit card, use the app to temporarily lock your card. 

PRIVACY RBC collects, uses and discloses the information that you provide to us in accordance with your account agreement(s) with us and our privacy policy, available at http://www.rbc.com/privacysecurity/ca/our-privacy-principles.html

Learn more about RBC digital channel privacy at http://www.rbc.com/privacysecurity/ca/online-privacy.html.

The RBC Mobile app might need to access device services for certain features, like finding nearby RBC Royal Bank® branches. For a full list of the features, check out http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/mobile/permissions/mobile-iOS.html.

For help removing the RBC Mobile app from your device, there are instructions at http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/mobile/permissions/mobile-iOS.html or you can contact mobile.feedback@rbc.com. 

RBC does not sell, promote or otherwise provide financial services or products referred to in this app outside of Canada. You should not access this app if you are not a resident of Canada.

When you select to install the RBC Mobile app, you're consenting to any future updates or upgrades. Depending on your device, operating system or user-initiated settings, these might be automatically installed. You're able to withdraw your consent by uninstalling the RBC Mobile app from your device. 

If you download the RBC Mobile app, you must review, and are subject to, the terms & conditions found under the Legal link on www.rbc.com as well as all applicable agreements between you and any RBC company, including:
•Electronic Access Agreement (Personal clients of Royal Bank of Canada)
•Business Account Agreement (Business clients of Royal Bank of Canada)
•The Operation of Account Agreement (RBC Direct Investing clients)
•General Account Agreement (RBC Dominion Securities clients) 

*The RBC Mobile app is operated by Royal Bank of Canada, RBC Direct Investing Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Contact information for these entities is available at  https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/customer-service/mailing-addresses/index.html

®/™ Trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. 
Touch ID, Face ID, Siri and iMessage are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
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