Ruangguru – App Belajar No.1 | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-6 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Education
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
245 Reports
245 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
8 Reports
8 Reports
User Feedback
8 Reports
8 Reports
245 Reports
245 Reports
Ruangguru – App Belajar No.1 - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 23, 2025
hard to find material on different devices
hello previously I was a user of Ruang Guru👋🏻👋🏻 I want to give a suggestion, please provide the same feature for all devices, I have 2 devices for watching Ruang Guru, namely an iPad and a Windows laptop when I was watching material on the iPad, then I wanted to watch it on my laptop, but the material wasn't there on my laptop, and vice versa.. for example, I was watching the material "mechanical waves" on the iPad, when I moved the laptop, the material wasn't there, please help me make the same feature on all devices and also please provide the HISTORYYY VIDEO feature!!! so when I finish watching something in Ruang Guru, I don't need to search for it again, I just look at the history section please add it soon, this is very crucial😩
Feb 24, 2025
There is a bug when I open AiRIS, it opens Robo Guru Plus on the initial display and I lose many features such as the study schedule, Ruang Guru blog, etc. Please fix it ASAP
Feb 25, 2025
can't be used or slow
Feb 26, 2025
When I had already subscribed, there were so many admins chatting offering wave packages or other promotions, honestly I was annoyed..
Feb 28, 2025
likes to come out tbtb, after putting it in several times it comes out again, it's also expensive
Mar 1, 2025
many videos can't be downloaded
Mar 1, 2025
His promotion is too much to disturb his parents
Mar 2, 2025
Because the discussion was not to the point, my score remained below 50 even though I had subscribed to the Ruang Guru and Brain Academy apps.
Mar 2, 2025
The place where the discount code for the package doesn't appear. The application is complicated, the intention to learn becomes focused on the application's fragments
Ruangguru – App Belajar No.1 - Product Description
Mulai dari video belajar, latihan soal, les privat, tryout, semua dapat diakses melalui smartphone. Kontennya tersedia untuk berbagai jenjang mulai dari SD, SMP hingga SMA sesuai dengan kurikulum nasional dan dirancang khusus oleh pengajar terbaik dan berpengalaman. - ruangbelajar Bimbel online untuk belajar di mana saja dan kapan saja dengan puluhan ribu video beranimasi, ratusan ribu latihan soal, dan rangkuman berinfografis yang dipersiapkan dan diajarkan oleh Master Teacher terbaik. Fitur-fitur ruangbelajar: 1) Video Belajar Beranimasi Tonton puluhan ribu video belajar beranimasi yang diajarkan oleh Master Teacher terbaik. Video juga bisa di-download supaya kamu bisa tonton berulang-ulang tanpa kuota. 2) Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Pertajam pemahamanmu lewat lebih dari ratusan ribu latihan soal dan pembahasan dari berbagai tingkat kesulitan (termasuk HOTS). Nilai langsung keluar dan ada pembahasannya juga lho! 3) Rangkuman Berinfografis Rangkuman dari setiap materi disajikan menarik secara visual dan dapat diunduh sebagai bahan untuk belajar. 4) ruangbelajar for Desktop Selain lewat smartphone, dapat diakses juga di komputer kamu! Lebih interaktif dengan guru terbaik Ruangguru! - digitalbootcamp Belajar intensif bersama tutor standby melalui grup chat dengan teman belajar se-Indonesia - ruangles Tingkatkan kemampuanmu lewat belajar privat dengan guru terbaik di bidangnya pilihan Ruangguru - Brain Academy Bimbel yang beda, dengan adanya kombinasi bimbel offline dan online dengan guru terbaik - ruanglesonline Konsultasi via live chat dengan tutor terbaik yang akan membantu kamu membahas semua soal maupun pertanyaanmu dalam hitungan menit
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