
Santander | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
5 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Finance
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
312 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
58 Reports
User Feedback
58 Reports
312 Reports
Santander - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 18, 2025
A disappointment.
For a few months now the app has been stuck on “Collecting your products” this has happened to me on countless occasions, I have the app updated, I have tried it with wifi, with mobile data and I have a high-end mobile phone but the problem is the app since when I enter through the website it does allow me to perform operations without any problem.
Feb 19, 2025
I add 4 out of 5 stars because the App is very complete and intuitive. The only downside is the continuous deactivation of touch ID (fingerprint) which, without knowing why, is deactivated over time and has to be added again.
Feb 19, 2025
The app has been doing neither transfers nor bizum for 4 to 5 days and today it doesn't even let me enter the app
Feb 19, 2025
Almost perfect
It is a very intuitive and easy to use app. The only drawback I have is that it does not allow you to update the account movements once you are logged in. If you make a purchase and want to see it, you have to close it and log in again for the movements to be updated and appear. Otherwise, it is very complete!
Feb 19, 2025
The worst of the applications, I changed the phone number and blocked the Bizum application, and now the great "system" interprets that I have another mobile phone, which is not true, I regret opening an account here a thousand times.
Feb 19, 2025
What did they do to the app?
It's fine that you change the global position, but let me have the option to use it as I had it, I don't like the new one, not the old one they put on me. I want to be able to see what I'm spending in the month when I enter the app. By the way, they have it really bad, I go to my expenses and this month it tells me that I have nothing. What's the need to ruin something that worked well? On top of that to put something uglier and that works worse, terrible. Oh, and on top of that I configure to see my accounts in the global position and to see them I have to unfold them, it doesn't make sense. The white background pisses me off, before I had it red and it was fine, at least let me change the background. It's just that everything is bad, I would like to go back to a previous version with less things but simpler. They worsened the usability and accessibility, good there... This update brings more bugs than features, I would like to try another bank that takes me more seriously, because this seems like a joke.
Feb 19, 2025
The app often crashes when trying to make a transfer from one account to another. For example, when making a transfer from a savings account (like a piggy bank) to my current account, I have to try several times because it crashes, it stays like 'thinking', like 'loading'.
Feb 20, 2025
The appearance of the app is horrible.
Feb 20, 2025
The app has been informing users via a pop-up window for several days now that "We're sorry. This service is not available at the moment. We hope it will be available in a few minutes." Obviously, a few minutes have passed... It is inappropriate for this entity not to analyze and monitor the tools it offers to supposedly facilitate its use.
Santander - Product Description
Lleva a tu banco en el bolsillo con la app del Santander
Descubre la App Santander. Tu banco abierto las 24h del día los 365 días al año. Mas sencilla, más visual, más segura y  más completa!
•	Nuevo! Firma con tu huella biométrica o clave de acceso con Santander Key: Asegura tu dispositivo en 2 pasos, activa tus notificaciones y firma operaciones de la forma más segura y sencilla
•	Nuevo! Asistente Financiero: Visualiza y gestiona todos tus gastos e ingresos de este u otro banco, agregados y categorizados en el nuevo asistente financiero. Visualiza la evolución por categoría y elige el periodo a analizar (Año, mes, semana o personalizado)
•	Nuevo! Tarjetas: Ahora podrás consultar el mapa de tus compras, desbloquear el Pin de una tarjeta bloqueada desde tu App o revisar el seguimiento de tus disputas abiertas cuando denuncies un pago no reconocido.
•	Además, gestiona todas tus tarjetas de débito, crédito o prepago desde la App. Activa, apaga, cancela, consulta CVV o PIN, paga con Apple, Google o Samsung Pay, gestiona los límites, fracciona pagos, saca dinero de cajeros con código, recarga tu móvil y mucho más.
•	Nuevo! Recibos y suscripciones: Accede a la nueva área de recibos y suscripciones desde los accesos directos y gestiona todos tus pagos recurrentes en un solo lugar. Además, desde el área de recibos e impuestos podrás realizar el pago de todos tus recibos puntuales o domiciliados, e impuestos o multas locales. 
•	Envío de dinero: Envía a uno o múltiples destinatarios o pide que te paguen con Bizum. Reutiliza o realiza traspasos, transferencias nacionales e internacionales a un nuevo contacto o aun favorito guardado
•	Nuevo! Inversiones: Descubre la nueva zona de inversiones desde tu menú lateral. Compra y vende valores, fondos, ETFs, planes de pensiones, renta fija, warrants en la mejor plataforma de inversión. Invierte por temática en los sectores que más te importan o déjate asesoramos a través de Santander activa (Nuestra mejor tecnología a tu alcance) o nuestros expertos digitales.
•	Nuevo! Seguros: Descubre la nuevo home de seguros y gestiona toda tu operativa desde la App, cambia la cuenta de cobro, revisa tus recibos, siniestros, y coberturas en un solo lugar. 
•	Nuevo! Buscador Global: Accede desde tu Posición Global o cualquier otra pantalla, y encuentra lo que necesitas en segundos (Movimientos, operativa y ayuda).
•	Contacta con tu gestor de Santander Personal a través del chat o videollamada y consúltale todo lo que necesites.
•	Cajeros y oficinas: Consulta los cajeros y oficinas cercanas a tu ubicación, más de 7.500 cajeros a tu disposición nacional e internacionalmente, y reserva tu cita en oficina de forma online. 
•	Nuevo! Limite multicanal: Podrá modificar el límite máximo de tus operaciones desde la App. 
Déjanos tus comentarios en el espacio “Ayúdanos a mejorar”.
Si te gusta la app compártelo con el resto valorándonos con 5 estrellas.
Gracias por utilizar el App Santander
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