
Staff! - Job & Life Simulator | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-4 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Games
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86 Reports
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5 Reports
User Feedback
5 Reports
86 Reports
Staff! - Job & Life Simulator - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 21, 2025
Barely 1 minutes of actual gameplay and an ad pops up
Feb 22, 2025
Very good, but very boring
Very fun and progressive game, but it has a LOT OF ADS, WHICH MAKES IT UNBEARABLE
Feb 23, 2025
It always crashes when I go to work, but the game is very good, I would play it if it weren't for this lag.
Feb 23, 2025
it's fun but i can't even paint the whole room at day 2, stuck at 67%. please fix.
Feb 23, 2025
The assignments are really boring. I'm only on day five. I'm deleting them now.
Feb 24, 2025
The game was quite relaxing, but the creator of this game doesn't really care about it anymore, bug after bug, what is the fact that on the 2nd game day I have a task to paint a room, and the joke is that the developers absolutely don't care that this level is impassable because of the problem in the code, so they don't even try to monitor their game, forcing it to die
Feb 24, 2025
There is a bug that when I paint everything on the second level, I only have 67% painted and then I just can't paint anything else.
Feb 24, 2025
The game is good but there are also minuses 1 minus is that everything is too expensive and there are a lot of ads I do not recommend it I played for 2 months and only opened the second floor it is very expensive at twenty levels you need to play to open at least one thing I do not recommend!!!! The developers did not try they threw numbers on things and posted this game do not install it you will play for a long time and pointlessly!!
Feb 24, 2025
The game is good but I think that in the sections where we give the orders to the men through the window, the men should eat those meals and swell up like in the restaurant sections but not explode. I deducted the [phone] star from here and also there should be a level selection section in the game, that is, the feature of playing sections from categories such as restaurant, floor deletion, carrying items, delivering orders and we can select this and play the levels in that category by pressing the throw button again, then I would give it 5 stars.
Staff! - Job & Life Simulator - Product Description
► Could we live more than one real life?

We only get one chance to live this wonderful but tricky life. Should we be less careful and take more risks, or, on the contrary, should we think through each and every step? 

That's a hard question to answer, isn’t it? But let's imagine we do have a golden opportunity to experience our life several different times - in other words, to try as many things as possible so we get the best possible result.

Sounds like a good idea! Are you ready to take a chance and change your personal reality right now? Life simulator Staff can help you. It gives you an interesting and unusual way to create your own virtual version of real life: eat well, sleep well, work hard, buy a house, and, sure get a cat…Oh! And don't forget to fix the outlet in the bedroom! So you see, everything in our life simulator depends on you and you alone!

► Grab a pen and write down your to-do list for today!

Welcome to your new house, time to turn it into a cozy home! Starting now, you'll be responsible for household responsibilities like putting up wallpaper, putting in new floors, fixing all the outlets, and many other crucially important things! Wait a second! Maintaining a house costs a lot nowadays! Do you have the money to spend on it?
This is where our life simulator turns into a job simulator! You'll be offered a wide range of job opportunities. Every day you will have to work hard and earn money to make your home warm and comfortable.

Honestly, it basically follows the same logic as real life: gotta work hard for the money. 

► Song lyrics aside, here goes the game description.

Every single day, you will face different problems that will all have to be solved as soon as possible. You'll have to work hard and complete diverse tasks: wait tables in a restaurant, put out fires and save people, feed pets and clean apartments, and more.  The job simulator will definitely help you learn about dozens of professional fields and prepare you to join any team.

Also, household chores will pop up on a regular basis. This house design game is aimed at improving all aspects of your living conditions every day. There's never a dull moment!

Remember that being a hardworking person and earning money is the only way you'll be able to  fix up your new house and make your romantic partner happy.

► Features of the app:

• Inspiring level structure: each one unlocks unique new opportunities. It's one of those popular house design games where you can build your dream house.

• Breathtaking storytelling: the game motivates you to get busy! Each action has a detailed backstory and possible consequences.

• Cost accounting guide: you will learn how to manage money. You'll be balancing the high cost of different additions against the restrictions of your salary.

• Goal-oriented tasks: to work or not to work, that is the question! Every single action is a part of an overall strategy that will get you the results you want.

Rise to the challenge and test yourself: could you live more than one real life? 

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