stc pay | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-1 Point Past 30 Days
Category: Finance
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
245 Reports
245 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
67 Reports
67 Reports
User Feedback
67 Reports
67 Reports
245 Reports
245 Reports
stc pay - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 26, 2025
The app's not good.
After the new update, you can only fill your wallet with multiples of 100 riyals. Honestly, it has become 👎🏼. A day ago, any amount was awesome and nice, and as for me, it will be deleted.
Feb 27, 2025
International transfer disappointed
Since last 2 months , I tried to do international transfers. After 1 week of wait , it started bouncing back. The service is becoming very disappointing.
Feb 27, 2025
It's simple.
My fellow developers, keep the subject simple. That is, when the application needs to be updated, write that the application needs to be updated and provide a link to the App Store, for example. However, the application keeps opening and closing and refuses to work, and the reason is the update. So why the suffering? I mean, should I sit and expect that the application needs to be updated??
Feb 27, 2025
It cannot be relied upon for travel or purchase.
The complete cessation of services is not good at all, and the stc pay card cannot be relied upon for travel at all with this useless and ineffective mechanism. If you have a development or update in your system, it must be in the shortest possible time and not a complete cessation of all services so that I cannot benefit from my balance in my account. This problem has been repeated before and technical support was contacted after waiting more than 15 minutes.
Feb 27, 2025
On this C
Why if someone transfers to me from outside STC, for example Al Rajhi, the transfer does not arrive and takes a day, six hours, or two hours? I want to understand why.
Feb 28, 2025
After the new update the balance not showing in the app
Feb 28, 2025
Unpaid fees
Fees were taken without verifying the service (instant transfer within three business days). If you received it in cash and took it on the Riyadh-Jeddah line and deposited it faster, the justification is that they are not a partner bank. Review yourselves. You are forced to do so because of the employees’ salaries.
Feb 28, 2025
The app doesn't work with me It was working then I removed it and when I tried to re-install it again I couldn't to log in I called the support through phone many times they don't have any idea how to resolve this issue. I have tried until this moment to login but there is no result or proper support from the stc bank team. If there is less than zero I will put it for bad customer service and technical support.
Mar 1, 2025
Useful app... But too slow... Takes a lot of time to load ..
stc pay - Product Description
هي محفظة رقميّة آمنة ومتكاملة لعملياتك المالية، تحلّ محل التطبيقات المالية المتعددة في جوالك، وأكثر. تمكنك محفظة stc pay من إجراء عملياتك المالية المعتادة بمستوى أمان عالي وتضع راحتك أولا، بالإضافةإلى عمليات أخرى مبتكرة صُمّمت لتقدم أفضل الحلول للسلوكيات المالية الاجتماعية الحالية. مثلا، باستطاعتك التحويل والاستقبال والتسوق والتحكم بأمورك الماليّة، كما يمكنك مشاركة المصاريف الجماعية مع جهات الاتصال لديك، من أهل وأصدقاء، باستخدام خاصية المحفظة المشتركة.. كل هذا وأكثر من خلال حساب افتراضي يسمى المحفظة الرقمية. ميزات التطبيق: الدفع مباشرة للمشتريات تستطيع إتمام عمليات شرائك من عدد متزايد من شركائنا من المحلات التجارية والمطاعم ومحطات البنزين وغيرهم بسهولة وأمان عالي، سواء بمسح رمز الـQR لدى التاجر أو مسح التاجر لرمز الـQR الخاصة بك. التحويل من محفظة إلى محفظة يمكنك إرسال واستلام الأموال فورياً ومجاناً من وإلى جهات الاتصال لديك من أهل وأصدقاء عند إنشائهم محفظة رقمية لدى stc pay. دفع فواتير stc وإعادة شحن سوا بإمكانك دفع فواتيرstc الخاصة بك مباشرة من خلال التطبيق وإعادة شحن بطاقات سوا مسبقة الدفع بكل سهولة وعملية. تحويل الأموال لحساب بنكي محلي تستطيع تحويل الأموال لأي حساب بنكي داخل المملكة العربية السعودية من محفظتك الرقمية. stc pay is your secure integrated digital wallet. Now, you can make all your usual financial transactions securely and effortlessly in one app - in addition to new and innovative features designed to enhance and present solutions to current socio-financial behaviors. For instance, through the stc pay digital wallet, you can transfer, receive, purchase, manage your spending, but furthermore, you can share group expenses with your contact list - whether friends or family - using the Shared Wallet feature.. all of that and more using your virtual account through the digital wallet. stc pay features: Purchases: Pay for your purchases at a growing number of partners, from stores, restaurants, gas stations and more, easily and securely. Scan the QR code at the cashier, or show the cashier your personal QR code to scan. Wallet to Wallet: Send and receive money to and from your contact list, whether family or friends, instantly and for free. All they need to do is create their stc pay account as well! stc Bills Settlement & sawa Recharge: Directly settle your stc bills and recharge any sawa prepaid card effortlessly. Transfer to Local Bank: Transfer money to any bank account in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Transfer Internationally (Western Union): Securely transfer money internationally, directly to bank accounts or to be instantly picked up in cash at any Western Union location. Card-less ATM Withdrawal: Withdraw money from ATM machines using your mobile only and no cards. Create a Shared Account: Share and track group expenses with family, friends and colleagues easily by adding users from your contact list.
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