The Economist | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-3 Points Past 30 Days
Category: News
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
23 Reports
23 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
31 Reports
31 Reports
User Feedback
31 Reports
31 Reports
23 Reports
23 Reports
The Economist - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 21, 2025
1 star for the audio (podcast) part of this app because: 1) It almost always fails to remember where we left off listening, 2) When connected to a car-stereo the forward/reverse buttons in the car are mapped to the next/last function in the player so you can't skip forward 15s or so at a time unless you pull out your phone/login and pull up the app to use the on screen skip-forward button. Combined with complaint 1 makes using this app via bluetooth control useless.
Feb 22, 2025
I was frustrated with this app when I wanna find what I had read. So why don't you add a "my history" entrance for users? Is that difficult?
Feb 22, 2025
The content is undeniably good so this review is about the app, not the publication. Articles don't display consistently when connected to the internet. I often need to have auto download on and then disconnect from the internet to read. I assume it's trying to update ads which is preventing display? Quite frustrating to use.
Feb 23, 2025
Old App was Better
I don't see any improvements. The audio management was far superior in the old app. As was the ability to go back to articles you were reading. This new app is very poor, I struggle to see what the improvements are.
Feb 25, 2025
The app only lets you download up to FOUR editions! This is pure b.s. and user unfriendly. I have plenty of space and like to revisit old editions, there's always some article I didn't have time to read. Why can't I decide how many editions to download?
Feb 27, 2025
Awful app. None of the podcast descriptions match the audio
Feb 27, 2025
Missing feature — download editions
There used to be a great feature to download entire editions. I used this all the time, to download a full weekly edition prior to a plane flight (and then, read the issue on the plane). Now that feature is gone. Very disappointed — if I don't see it return soon I may cancel. Guys, flights are my prime time for reading and you broke this!
Feb 28, 2025
A great legacy app, but this new one garbage
I put off downloading the “improved” app as long as I could. This week's issue, however, no longer has an audio option in the legacy app. The new app is unfortunately an absolutely horrendous mess. Much more like a typical website than a magazine or newspaper, every article is cluttered with superfluous links and with suggestions for “related” articles or sites. Worst of all, to swipe from one article to the next, one needs to swipe twice because every article—EVERY SINGLE ONE—is followed by an ad. HALF the issue is ads. Unbelievable! So I have deleted the “improved” app and will continue with the legacy app (sadly with no audio option) until The Economist no longer supports it, then I will unsubscribe. After having subscribed in print or digitally for four decades, I believe. I can't justify over two hundred dollars a year to read the magazine on such a supremely annoying, ad-stuffed app.
Feb 28, 2025
Unable to read articles even after logging in. please look into the matter, this problem is being faced from February 26, 2025.
The Economist - Product Description
Our global coverage offers distinctive insight and incisive analysis. Start your 1-month free trial now.* Each week over 1.5m subscribers trust The Economist to help them make sense of the world and the news. Join them by downloading The Economist app. The app includes a daily selection of the best of our journalism, along with the full weekly version of The Economist newspaper to read or listen to on the go. Already a subscriber to The Economist? Simply install the app and sign in with your Economist login details. The Economist is an award-winning, trusted filter on global affairs, offering in-depth analysis of everything from business, finance and politics to science, technology and economics. It covers every region of the world including the United States, Britain, Europe, Asia and Latin America and it excels at big topics, from climate change and sustainability to the future of work and globalisation. The Economist is also available as a weekly magazine. App highlights: • Top stories: the latest news analysis combined with highlights from the weekly issue • Economist The World in Brief: a short morning briefing on the day’s global news • The Economist weekly edition: full access to the weekly version of The Economist newspaper • The audio version of the weekly edition to listen to on the go • A selection of our podcasts, including The Intelligence, a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents App features: • A morning briefing on the day ahead • Timely analysis of the world’s biggest news stories, updated by the end of the day • The weekly edition available from 9 pm every Thursday evening London time • Audio versions of the weekly edition read by professional broadcasters • Reading times highlighted on each article • Bookmarks to save articles for later or create personal reading lists Subscribing in-app • Subscribe in-app and take advantage of our introductory subscription offer • Subscribe in-app and take advantage of our 7-day free trial • At the end of the trial, the subscription will automatically renew onto a monthly subscription at the standard price. Annual and quarterly subscriptions are also available in some regions • You will be charged in your local currency at the prevailing exchange rate as defined by Apple. Payment is charged to your iTunes account upon confirmation of purchase • All subscriptions automatically renew. Your account will be charges 24 hours before the renewal date, at a cost of £19.99/$19.99/€24.99 for a monthly subscription • Full terms of use can be found at https://www.economist.com/legal/terms-of-use • Our privacy policy can be found at https://www.economist.com/privacy
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