ZipRecruiter Job Search | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
1 Point Past 30 Days
Category: Business
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
896 Reports
896 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
24 Reports
24 Reports
User Feedback
24 Reports
24 Reports
896 Reports
896 Reports
ZipRecruiter Job Search - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 25, 2025
Not precise
My biggest problem with this site and this app is if I'm looking for a specific job I see everything but that particular job. I'm looking for a driver's job. I see HVAC technicians and nurses and everything but what I want. I have to constantly scroll through things I don't want to see to get what I want. There should be a way to just be specific instead of just lumping everything into one search. It's very frustrating.
Feb 25, 2025
I have been on this app for years and no job yet worst app ever just a big scam!!!!
Feb 26, 2025
Dark Mode. Guys all the new phone are getting brighter. And even with settings adjustments it just doesn't feel good on my eyes. A dark mode would be highly appreciated.
Feb 27, 2025
App support is non-existent
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT recommend this app. There is one essential flaw within the app that needs addressing because it results in the user applying to jobs they never intended to apply for this wasting the time of the hiring company and quite honestly flat out embarrassment for the user that if fixed could totally be avoided. The app has a feature called "one tap apply" which is a great concept until it isn't. The one tap apply button has no confirmation step and ironically is placed center screen spanning almost the width of the screen. If the user is like me, and scrolling on a mobile device it becomes quite problematic causing one to apply to jobs in a split second that they never intended to apply for. Simply allowing a 15-30 second window which allows this action to be undone, or a pop up confirmation box that you do in fact wish to send your resume would correct this, save much embarrassment and time for the company going through hundreds of applications. That said I then go to the app support center and am immediately redirected to an email template to be sent to ZipRecruiter support. Great! So I explain my experience in full detail to be as thorough as possible, spend nearly an hour typing out this email and proofreading to find that there is no "send" button or action anywhere on the available screen. Additionally there is also no way to get out of the screen either, no back button, no "X" anywhere, nothing but a complete waste of time typing this request for help making me that much more frustrated. I pull down on my window in attempt to refresh and it takes me back one screen to the main menu for support, my email vanishes but I'm confident it did not submit or send to them either. I click the support button like I did the first time and go right back to the blank email template for submitting a request to the app team for support. I literally could scream. I'm disgusted. Back to INDEED, they may not have as many available jobs but their app is well thought out and not near as negligent or accident prone. Now I have made a total fool of my sent applying to a job way above my qualifications, wasted that poor company's time, and additionally wasted the past 2 hours on emails that vanished and this review to get it off my chest. Save yourself the frustration and use a different app. Not recommended by me, not one bit.
Feb 27, 2025
This app sucks literally dose absolutely nothing I've applied for a few not one call back, I'm a welder and have been for Goin on 15years so they always call I get calls non stop from indeed just save yourself the time and get indeed it actually gets you a job!!
Feb 28, 2025
Doesn't keep the correct town even tho your signed in and real wish there was a not interested button for those jobs not even qualified for like pages of medical jobs
Mar 1, 2025
Search results often have no correlation to the actual Search criteria. This makes finding a relevant job difficult. Some job postings won't even show the full description either as the app cuts off most of the content.
Mar 1, 2025
The only response I'm getting from this app are employers haven't reviewed my application just yet, but doesn't mean that they won't review my application, or my application is noticed by other employers. This app is just like indeed job app or worse. At least indeed let an applicant know if they been denied employment or decided to go into the next step for the hiring process. That what let me know at least indeed has looked at my resume and application. I have stopped using this app.
Mar 1, 2025
App doesn't correctly match experience with jobs.
ZipRecruiter Job Search - Product Description
Search 100+ job boards at once to find your next job fast. It's that easy. ZipRecruiter Job Search is the only app of its kind you will ever need, and it is 100% FREE. 1. Install the free ZipRecruiter job app. 2. Tell it about the jobs you're looking for: location + keywords, or job titles 3. Find jobs you like! 4. Apply to jobs with just one tap! 5. Tell us when you find something, we love hearing from you :) Features: • Instantly search hundreds of job boards at once • Get the best matched jobs sent to your inbox daily • Apply in seconds from your phone • Save jobs or searches and come back to them later • Review your applied jobs list • Get notified when your resume has been viewed Your privacy is our priority. Learn more: Your Privacy Choices: www.ziprecruiter.com/ccpa-opt-out California Privacy Notice: www.ziprecruiter.com/california-privacy-notice Questions, comments, feedback? We'd love to hear from you about how to make our app better! Joey, Trevor, and Nash iphone@ziprecruiter.com
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