AusweisApp2 | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-8 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Utilities
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
389 Reports
389 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
134 Reports
134 Reports
User Feedback
134 Reports
134 Reports
389 Reports
389 Reports
AusweisApp2 - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 28, 2025
My account could not be assigned. How does that work?
Feb 28, 2025
An app that nobody needs. Digitalization in Germany is like a visit to a learning aid. Everything is made far too complicated, basically a digitalization for IT specialists. User-friendly negative. If the cell phone is to function as a reader, you can also connect it to a QR CODE without having to make any network or router settings. Sorry, that's one star too many! There are numerous applications for how this can work.
Feb 28, 2025
With every other app, reading or recognition works with the NFC connection. Regardless of whether it is a health insurance card, other cards or connection with other devices. Only this super software does not work in conjunction with my new ID card. So it is not the hardware. It is a tragedy. We cannot manage anything that can be done technically via a fax machine....Where can I fax my complaint? An email seems too modern for the shop....
Mar 1, 2025
Pairing with another device does not work; absolutely incomprehensible to install; no possibility to download form directly; not even if both devices are working on the same network; actually 0 stars
Mar 1, 2025
this kind of app enforcing planned obsolescence by having no backwards compatability is disgusting
Mar 1, 2025
Very difficult to use, especially in connection with the federal ID. No information as to why and how the ID is not accepted there, although the message appears that the email is already there. And the information that the ID is available on the cell phone with the ID app is wrong. - Or I have not understood the matter. Left the ID at home, police check, opening the app and showing the cell phone does not work.
Mar 1, 2025
Germany is lagging behind again. Well-intentioned, poorly executed. Cannot find connections, says password is correct, only to give a short notice that it was entered incorrectly three times in a row and is now blocked. I work with IT and computers all day (I have an affinity for technology and knowledge) and never manage to deal with online matters in a short space of time without any problems. People who are not very tech-savvy will not use these services.
Mar 1, 2025
A complete disaster. Doesn't work. Waste of time, a symbol of German incompetence
Mar 1, 2025
The help text is too abstract. Before you hire me, you should do your homework: you should show the text to a computer layman of average intelligence and avoid unnecessary anglicisms and strange foreign words. If you don't know how to do that, hire a copywriter. That's all they do all day.
AusweisApp2 - Product Description
Die AusweisApp2 ist eine Software, die Sie auf Ihrem iPhone, Mac oder iPad installieren, um sich mit Ihrem Personalausweis, Ihrem elektronischen Aufenthaltstitel oder der eID-Karte für Unionsbürger:innen online auszuweisen. Alle weiterführenden Informationen finden Sie unter: www.ausweisapp.bund.de Die Erklärung zur Barrierefreiheit der Software finden Sie unter: https://www.ausweisapp.bund.de/barrierefreiheit-app
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