City of Crime: Gang Wars | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-5 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Strategy
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
192 Reports
192 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
0 Reports
0 Reports
User Feedback
0 Reports
0 Reports
192 Reports
192 Reports
City of Crime: Gang Wars - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 19, 2025
very bad graphics and boring game..🤬🤬
Feb 20, 2025
This is idiocy, not a game. It doesn't look like GTA at all. It looks more like those same trashy games from the ads. How can anyone like this??? I don't recommend it.
Feb 22, 2025
I like the game an it's story line .I don't like the overhead view in the game play.i think a first person view would of been a better choice
Feb 23, 2025
The game is so boring, can you please update it? It's not realistic at all. It needs to be updated to be more like GTA. If you can update it, please update it a lot. But I actually like it, but not that much.
Feb 23, 2025
The game is so slow loading, I just watch the joged ² lol
Feb 24, 2025
cant open game
Feb 24, 2025
Can't rotate
Feb 24, 2025
Loading is so slow.
Feb 26, 2025
the game is great but there is no Polish language
City of Crime: Gang Wars - Product Description
Welcome to the city of sin—the place where you can drown yourself in riches! Be prepared to live a new life and experience a limitless world where you make the rules. Do whatever it takes to quickly rake in a vast fortune and become a billionaire. In a world where there is no law, be ready to defend yourself at the drop of a hat. Game Features: ☆☆☆A brand-new life in riches☆☆☆ Start your profligated life drowning in riches in sin city. Live life above the law and take whatever you set your eyes on. When the money comes in, the world opens up for you to fully live a life of crime! ☆☆☆Battle against rival gangs in real-time combat☆☆☆ From Streetside Shootout to Turf Wars, it's all hands on deck if you want to be the top dog. Lead your crew of hardened gangsters and take the city of crime for yourself. ☆☆☆Live AI calculations for a real-world simulation☆☆☆ Fight for turfs during the day, and party at bars and clubs during the night! How you spend your time each day is up to you! ☆☆☆Your Syndicate, your rules☆☆☆ Establish a Syndicate with other players and take on the trickiest of enemies. Build relations and assist allies to further your own goals. ☆☆☆A city of sin with infinite possibilities☆☆☆ There is no law here. Plunder, ravage, steal, loot—these are all daily occurrences. For what you ask? To take whatever your heart desires! ☆☆☆Use your wits to become a billionaire☆☆☆ Run casinos, bars, black markets...whatever it takes. Produce gold bars, weapons, and contraband to rake in vast fortunes and spend them on anything you can imagine! ☆☆☆Raise your criminal empire and become a legend☆☆☆ Hire the strongest criminals from all around the world and build the most powerful teams sin city has ever seen. Increase your influence and hold all the power to yourself. Take what you set your eyes on—even by force, and become a legend in your criminal empire! City of Crime Studio Official Facebook Customer Service: https://bit.ly/3sc8KWv Official Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/psWU9baA42
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