DSB App | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
9 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Travel
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
47 Reports
47 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
25 Reports
25 Reports
User Feedback
25 Reports
25 Reports
47 Reports
47 Reports
DSB App - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 19, 2025
Needs to be updated every time I open it
Feb 20, 2025
Honestly the most unreliable app I've seen in a long time. Several of the functions don't work at all and not at all as they should. I have to change locations every day just to get it to stop reporting errors and actually get itself together to do something.
Feb 22, 2025
Seems reasonable, but there is room for improvement: 1. If you check in incorrectly and choose another mode of transport, the amount for the trip will be deducted even if you are not on the bus and even if there are no possible departures at that time. 2. Under "Check in now", the profile's age is used to select the correct ticket type (Pensioner) but not under "Find trip", where Adult and not Pensioner are selected by default.
Feb 23, 2025
Hassle buying a ticket
It's often a hassle to buy tickets in the app. Slave
Feb 24, 2025
Has become terrible after check-in functionality added. UX vent out the window
Feb 25, 2025
If the app didn't ask me to keep it open in the background when I'm checked in, it would have been 5 stars. Suggestion: Live activity for when you're checked in
Feb 25, 2025
Easy to use and nice that you don't have to refill. But couldn't you get rid of getting an email with a purchase receipt EVERY time you drive 3 stops with the bus. One statement per month would be enough.
Feb 26, 2025
Bicycle ticket?!
On the website, DSB boasts that you can buy a bicycle ticket in the app. I can't find that.
Mar 1, 2025
3 tsu morning at m on ts yenya there is no possibility to pay on this page at ets in spishchsks my name is Oksana son-in-law and in sh zav PM or 2-h tsu in PM or price on them answer I have a price on the site in PM at utsts in the lists my name is Oksana son-in-law in PM or 2-h
DSB App - Product Description
DSB app. A part of your journey. Tickets, cards, and traffic information. In the DSB app you can buy tickets and commuter cards and see current traffic information and an overview of departures. You can buy tickets, and make seat reservations, incl. commuter seat reservations. You can buy DSB Orange and DSB Orange Fri tickets as well. You can buy and renew commuter cards and Øresund cards or try Commute20 if you work from home some of the weekdays. If you have a Youthcard you can receive it in the app if it is created by DSB. You can use the DSB app as a guest or create a DSB Plus profile and get access to more products and services. You get the possibility to transfer tickets and cards that are not yet valid and receive notifications with information if your journey is changed or delayed. You can earn points for snacks for your journey as well. It is possible to refund tickets and cards in the app following the current rules. If you experience errors in connection with the use of the DSB tickets and cards, please contact: DSB Customer Center Tel.: 70 13 14 15 You can also write: https://www.dsb.dk/kundeservice/ Open every day from 7AM-8 PM
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