
Kard | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
2 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Finance
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
23 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
62 Reports
User Feedback
62 Reports
23 Reports
Kard - Latest Quality Issues
Dec 6, 2024
No deplorable customer service security
Card pirated and used in the United States (indicates physical card on account statement). Complaint to Kard and no response... Big data leak a priori but customer service more than zero. Forced to close the account
Dec 8, 2024
At first I liked this bank but for 1 month I have been struggling to validate the identity verification, and for almost 2 weeks it has been impossible to reach the service, no one answers me despite reminders specifying the urgency by email and messaging of the application, my money is blocked on the account and impossible to use my money. Disappointed!
Dec 10, 2024
Thief Bank
thief's bank, I've been at Kard for more than 4 years, never had a problem, I've sent more than a hundred emails with all the receipts of my sales to be able to unblock my account and my 450€ but they don't respond. Notice to all parents and teenagers, run away from this bank You don't deserve a star your application stinks like a full-back who takes Vini to the marking for 90min
Dec 11, 2024
Inactivity of the service, emails do not respond either.
Dec 13, 2024
Great app but the link that we share with the parents so that he validates is no longer worked
Dec 14, 2024
Despite a rather responsive customer service, the experience remains grotesque, the authorized amounts are very low, I don't see the point of asking for documents such as a family record book and going through customer service since the application is full of bugs. I absolutely don't see the use of this application, a card from my bank will finally be enough.
Dec 15, 2024
Got scamed on their app and they have absolutely no custom service at all, a bot will ask for your email and let you know someone will contact you but guess what... Nobody does. Trash
Dec 17, 2024
Hello, I've been sending you emails for 2 weeks, no response, it's starting to become quite urgent, as explained in my emails... 750 € blocked I have charges to pay!! I can't wait any longer you are putting people in great difficulty, it's unacceptable!!!
Dec 19, 2024
Very nice idea... until the first credit card scam, which will never be reimbursed! As for complaints, stuck between a useless chatbot (only a few pre-recorded responses) and different correspondents for each message (reexplaining everything and resending the form), it's just hell. To be taken for 3 months to conclude unilaterally through the fault of the client... In short, your children's money is ABSOLUTELY NOT SECURE, service to be avoided absolutely!
Kard - Product Description
Kard, c’est l’application d’argent de poche préférée des familles.

Notre mission : permettre à tous les parents d’apprendre l’argent à leurs enfants de façon vraiment adaptée à leurs usages et dans la bonne humeur !
Concrètement, Kard c’est une carte de paiement pour enfant accessible dès 6 ans pour payer en magasin et en ligne, et une application bancaire pour suivre ses dépenses en temps réel, mettre de l’argent de côté et apprendre pas à pas à gérer un budget.

C’est la seule offre bancaire pensée d’abord et avant tout pour les ados et non un produit pour adulte qui aurait été dégradé (comme dans les banques traditionnelles). Kard prend vraiment les ados par la main en les accompagnant sur le chemin de l’autonomie grâce à des contenus, des conseils et du coaching vraiment adaptés à leurs habitudes de consommation, leur langage et leurs référents culturels.

Tout ça de manière 100% sécurisée, sous la supervision des parents qui ont accès à une app dédiée pour suivre les dépenses de leurs enfants, échanger avec eux, fixer les limites et verser de l’argent de poche instantanément. Jusqu’à ce que les ados deviennent vraiment indépendants, à 18, 19 ou même 25 ans ! Chacun son rythme.

Et bien sûr, Kard accompagne les parents pour les aider à être encore meilleurs qu’ils ne le sont déjà dans l’éducation de leurs enfants sur ces sujets d’argent et d’autonomie : contenus pointus, coaching personnalisé et pleins de fonctionnalités avancées.

Chez Kard, on y croit dur comme fer : l’argent, ça s’apprend
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