Lanetalk Bowling | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
16 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Sports
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
33 Reports
33 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
20 Reports
20 Reports
User Feedback
20 Reports
20 Reports
33 Reports
33 Reports
Lanetalk Bowling - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 11, 2025
Saving scores
Constantly lose scores when going to enter Arsenal or making edits…Saving scores and editing arsenal need to be easier
Feb 11, 2025
Good idea… poor execution
Love and grateful to have this kind of technology for bowling centers but the execution is not there. The biggest problem is the ads for free users. Yes I understand you have to have them but, a 15 second ad, EVERY 15 seconds, makes this app borderline unusable unless subscribed. Not to mention the countless bugs and wrongful displayed scoring and constant buffering, which may not always be lanetalks fault, is part of the equation that kills this app for me.
Feb 12, 2025
Getting more annoying
Now instead of an ad popping up every minute or so that you could dismiss, you now have to sit and look at it before you can dismiss it. Making it more annoying is NOT how you get people to subscribe!! It gets you deleted…
Feb 14, 2025
Overall this app would be amazing, but it doesn't have my local bowling alley inputted
Feb 15, 2025
Doesn’t save games correctly
I have been using this app for a few months and it was working fine saving games now all of a sudden it doesn't save games anymore it just has the loading icon going infinitely and then I found a way to get them to save my typing a comment or just putting a period then it would save but it's saving my 3 games individually and it's really annoying that it won't save all 3 as 1 anymore
Feb 15, 2025
Inadequate tech support
Constant freezing causing lost games.
Feb 17, 2025
Manual scoring is a disaster!
Feb 19, 2025
I like the app a lot except it only shows highs for the last 30 games. should have an all time high category
Feb 25, 2025
Every time I go to watch a specific lane or person, the app works fine. 10 mins later, the lane or person is nowhere to be found. How sway?!? The more advertising you guys receive, the worse the app gets. I use this app to watch my husband bowl while I'm on travel. Can't really support him if I can't find his name or his lane he's on.
Lanetalk Bowling - Product Description
1 Track your scores automatically and get key insights to improve your bowling! By using the Lanetalk app during training and competitions, you can get all your statistics into your phone. All stats are gathered automatically, with no manual entry. Just open the app, tap play, select your lane and start gathering your scores directly to your phone. The app includes features that will help develop your game and get new insights on your play. The app can be used in both training and competitions as well as in local or global tournaments. JOIN ONLINE TOURNAMENTS Join the growing online community and challenge friends and competitors around the world in the world-unique Online Tournaments sponsored by industry leaders. Play regional, national and global tournaments from your home center. There’s always a competition to join! AUTOMATIC SCORE TRACKING – DIGITAL SCORE CARDS Automatically tracks your score from the bowling center scoring system (pin-by-pin and frame-by-frame) and builds your personal statistics archive and digital score cards. BOWLING TRAINING TOOL The app will gather your score and provide a statistic archive to deep dive to get new insights to your training and progress. Compare your stats with other bowlers at all levels and let the app help you to develop your performance over time. Get key insights to analyze and develop your bowling! LIVE SCORING Follow live Games or Tournaments in Bowling Centers around the world. Follow local or international games in real-time, from your couch or your office. CONNECT TO THE BOWLING COMMUNITY Follow Friends and Bowling Stars and invite them to follow you and your games. Share your scores and latest stats from your games with your friends and fans. FEATURES AT-A-GLANCE: • Automatic Score Tracking (no manual input needed) • Strike, Spare & Split percentage • Your most common Pin leaves • Digital Score Cards • Personal Statistics Archive • Live Scoring & Digital Score Cards • Join Online Tournaments & Competitions (local, regional & global) • Challenge friends and conquer the Leaderboards • Follow friends, fans & bowling stars • Share your scores & brag about your results JOIN THE WORLDWIDE BOWLING COMMUNITY Download the app today and join the growing online bowling community! Supported by the industry, headlined by the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) and several national bowling federations. GET YOUR CENTER CONNECTED Do you want to learn more about how to connect your center to the Lanetalk network? Visit Lanetalk.com to learn more. It’s free for both Centers and Bowlers to join.
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