MitID | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
7 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Utilities
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
47 Reports
47 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
20 Reports
20 Reports
User Feedback
20 Reports
20 Reports
47 Reports
47 Reports
MitID - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 24, 2025
I can't even register
Feb 24, 2025
The security is top notch. Even I can't get in 5/10 times. The whole app is a headache. Each update feels worse than the last. I waited 24 hours twice to try in vain to go back to one-time codes, but I got nowhere. It's amazing that you can stop the app at the throat of the state when it doesn't work as it should. Your QR system is crap, and the fact that it's the main way to use the app is terrible.
Feb 24, 2025
App doesn't work properly on Motorola Edge 50 pro. Time after time lost activation (average one time per month). Second issue: Biometrics approval also requires enter a pin code. Check it out, please.
Feb 27, 2025
no work create id
an error has occurred if the issue persists you can try restarting them app 0-ce646c5
Feb 27, 2025
It's as if something is meant to go wrong every time you use this app, something always goes wrong even if you follow the instructions.
Feb 28, 2025
New systems don't always work, there are problems with them.
Mar 1, 2025
Shouldn't be privately owned at all. Should work so simply that everyone can join in. Even IT experts are shaking their heads at the setup. It's a mess! And when the app then wants you to scan the screen of the same mobile phone with its own camera, you wonder how incompetent the people behind it are...
Mar 1, 2025
Doesn't work well with Firefox
Mar 1, 2025
Why is it not possible to turn off the sound when using the keyboard? 🤦♂️
MitID - Product Description
You can use the MitID app to log on, sign documents digitally, and approve actions on various self-service sites. MitID conforms to the newest security standards, so you can use it to safely verify your indentity online. If you need to approve on your mobile or tablet, you can do it with a single swipe in the app. If you need to approve on your computer, you need to scan a QR code. TAKE CARE OF YOUR MitID - Do not share your user ID or codes with others. - Always read what you are about to approve with MitID. Press 'Reject' in the top left corner of the app, if you see an action, you don't want to approve, or an action you haven’t initiated. - Never approve anything using MitID based on a call, an e-mail, or a visit from someone pretending to be from your bank, a support organisation or a public authority. KEEP A MITID IN RESERVE It is a good idea to keep a MitID in reserve. By keeping an extra MitID in reserve, you will still be able to use MitID, if, for example, you lose your phone with the app installed, or simply forget to activate the app on a new phone after you deleted the old one. For more information: MitID.dk/reserve MORE INFORMATION You can get a MitID from the age of 13. MitID has been developed by the Danish Agency for Digital Government and Finance Denmark - on behalf of the public and financial sectors. Read more at MitID.dk.
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