Netto+ | Scan&Go | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
7 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Shopping
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
53 Reports
53 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
49 Reports
49 Reports
User Feedback
49 Reports
49 Reports
53 Reports
53 Reports
Netto+ | Scan&Go - Latest Quality Issues
Jan 23, 2025
Netto app is not available 🫣😢
Jan 23, 2025
The app works great, but the scan itself isn't that good.
In the app you can enter the barcode if it cannot be read, but you cannot scan the boxes themselves.
Jan 24, 2025
My phone is too small to browse the digital brochure. Unfortunately, I can't install the app on my tablet because it's not compatible...
Jan 26, 2025
Unable to sign up
The app doesn't work, you can't sign up
Jan 27, 2025
Too misleading with personal prices
Jan 28, 2025
All [supermarket] Plus apps from Salling Group are connected
If you have technical problems with the app, I have found that apps developed by Salling Group use some of the same files in the background. For example, if you also have Netto Plus or Bilka Plus, some problems can be solved by going into one of these apps and “playing around” with their functions, especially the same functions that you are having problems with. If the above does not solve your problem, and reinstalling the individual app does not help either, then the problem probably lies in one of these common files that this trio of apps uses. Therefore, you have to delete all their apps including all their data and reinstall them all. This is both a smart solution by Salling Group, but also a vulnerable solution, as there is this small Achilles heel in their entire group of apps. It is probably a solution that has been chosen to save both development time and development money. Salling Group apparently does not have anyone employed to sit and answer reviews and guide customers with problems to their technical support, if such a thing exists.
Jan 29, 2025
You can actually check out with the app maybe 2 out of 10 times. There seem to be many items that "have" to be checked out at the register. Example of this have been cheese, gum and juice. Makes the app useless.
Jan 29, 2025
App is very difficult to install, give up now after 15 attempts
Jan 29, 2025
I hate your scan&go app! Several times when you scan an item you are told that "this item must be purchased at the checkout", but that is only because the app has not scanned the barcode correctly. If you try a few times, it suddenly comes. And then it goes on to "something went wrong with the payment, try again". And when it finally succeeds, you also have to open mitID to be able to complete your purchase. Couldn't you hire the same people who make Coop's scan and pay app? 😄
Netto+ | Scan&Go - Product Description
I Netto+ appen får du bl.a. Personlige +Priser, friskhedsgaranti, Scan&Go og mange andre fordele. Vi har lavet Netto+ til dig, så du kan spare både tid og penge, når du handler i din Netto-butik. 1. Stærke priser med Netto+ ("+Priser" og "Personlige +Priser") Netto+ handler om dig og det, du kan lide. Vi giver dig ugentligt stærke +Priser og hver måned Personlige +Priser, som er udvalgt ud fra dit indkøbsmønster. Jo mere du bruger Netto+ appen, jo mere relevante bliver dine personlige +Priser. 2. Scan og betal dine varer mens du handler (”Scan&Go”) Scan dine varer med din telefon og pak dem med det samme i din indkøbspose, mens du handler. Du betaler med et enkelt swipe i appen og kan gå ud af butikken uden at stå i kø ved kassen. Det er nemt og du sparer tid. NB. Gælder kun i udvalgte Netto-butikker. 3. Friskhedsgaranti og kvitteringsoversigt ("Kvitteringer") Er du kommet hjem med en mad- eller drikkevare, der ikke er som forventet? Inden for 5 dage efter dit køb, kan du refundere alle mad- og drikkevarer. Find kvitteringen i appen, send os et billede og få pengene tilbage på et tilgodebevis. Nemt og hurtigt – uden kørsel tilbage til butikken. 4. Ugens Netto-avis ("Netto-avis") Læs ugens Netto-avis og se alle de aktuelle priser. Du kan nemt tilføje varer til din indkøbsliste ved at trykke på produkterne i Netto-avisen. 5. En indkøbsliste du altid har med ("Indkøbsliste") Lav en digital indkøbsliste i din Netto+ app. Tilføj hurtigt og nemt varer til indkøbslisten. Du kan dele indkøbslisten med familie og venner, så er du sikker på altid at komme hjem med det hele. 6. Tjek prisen ("Tjek prisen") Det er nemt at tjekke prisen på varer i Netto-butikken. Brug scanneren i Netto+ appen til at scanne varens stregkode og få oplyst prisen på varen. Som en del af dit medlemskab indsamler og behandler vi bl.a. dine købsdata, og hvordan du bruger appen for at gøre Netto+ mest muligt relevant for dig. Du kan læse mere i privatlivspolitikken på https://netto.dk/nettoplus/nettoplus-privatlivspolitik/ og om konceptet på netto.dk/nettoplus
All intellectual property rights, including trademarks and word marks, are the property of respective owners