Patient Access | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
4 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Medical
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
45 Reports
45 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
13 Reports
13 Reports
User Feedback
13 Reports
13 Reports
45 Reports
45 Reports
Patient Access - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 23, 2025
Epic Fail; Both the Appointment Booking System and Technical Support Access are Down
Cannot book an appointment via the app, as a message pops up saying that I have reached my maximum bookings, I cannot book an appointment and I should contact my GP practice. I haven't booked an appointment for months and when I've contacted my GP practice to enquire about the message, they have no idea why the app is preventing me from making an appointment. This is also happening to a family member at another local GP practice. So, I haven't reached my maximum number of appointments - whatever that's supposed to be. My internet connection is fine. My smartphone and its operating system are both up to date. My app login is fine too, so all is well on my side. When I try to raise this with Patient Access Tech Support, a message pops up saying the app is experiencing technical difficulties and to try again later. It then wipes my entire enquiry and attachments and logs me out! This has happened four times now! My question is, how are elderly, infirm and vulnerable people supposed to access medical care and treatment, if the only way to access it, actively prevents them from doing so?! The app is rubbish and so is its non-existent tech support. More funding for actual human GP receptionists and surgery administrators is the answer, not some temperamental, treatment prevention app.
Feb 23, 2025
Absolute waste of time, asking to download third party apps to confirm identity when I'm already logged in. Just another waste of time and space that's no doubt funded by the already broken nhs..
Feb 23, 2025
been using this app on my tablet for years and suddenly it doesn't work any more. So go to see if there are any updates needed only to be informed the app is no longer compatible with my tablet grrr not impressed
Feb 24, 2025
Might as well call it "Private GP Access." It is impossible to get an NHS appointment, but there are always private appointments.
Feb 25, 2025
Poor now
Since the latest update signing in has become a lottery . Sign in hangs and times out whether biometric or password on my devices.
Feb 25, 2025
This app is now broke for me since the last update on the 4th Feb as all I get now is a blank screen when trying to see medical history or order my repeat medication. I emailed the support team 2 weeks ago but have yet to receive a reply. I have tried everything, including deleting the app and reinstalling it, but still no luck. I know the permissions are ok with my GP surgery as I've been using it without issues for years up until the last update and are still ok when using the app on my iPad.
Feb 25, 2025
It's harder to get in it this app than to actually see my GP.
Feb 27, 2025
Update disaster
Latest update an absolute disaster. It is difficult to log in, sometimes impossible with captcha, and even then I can no longer find how to order repeat prescriptions. I searched and found directions to go to home page but it is not there. It's back to the chemist I'm afraid.
Mar 1, 2025
This app is now totally useless, tells me to go NHS app to get some sort of code and then when I do get to log in it has no info whatsoever, no past history, no scrip ordering, no way to contact surgery. Why is nobody looking into fixing it? EDIT. I've just read the update at the top of this page and EVERYTHING it says we can now do is wrong, we/I cannot do. Ridiculous.
Patient Access - Product Description
Patient Access connects you to healthcare services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and explore your local pharmacy services. NEW: You can now create a Patient Access account without linking to your UK GP practice and enjoy the following features: • If you’re feeling under the weather, search for symptoms and find patient information articles • Self-refer to NHS services such as talking therapies, sexual health, antenatal care and drug and alcohol addiction services • Choose from over 30 services provided by your local community pharmacy and book in the app • Access and read medical advice and healthy living tips from the experts • Sign in quickly, easily and securely with Touch or Face ID • Swiftly check if you can link to your GP If you are able to link your Patient Access account to your GP practice, you can also get access to the following features where they are made available by your practice: • Book face-to-face or remote online appointments with your GP, nurse or clinician at a time that suits you • Request repeat prescriptions online, with convenient delivery to your preferred pharmacy • View your medical record, including test results, immunisations and allergies • Securely share your medical record with healthcare professionals of your choosing, without the need to contact your practice • Look after your loved ones and act on their behalf to book appointments and repeat prescriptions • Message your GP directly from within Patient Access at home or on the move • Where your practice has enabled it, book a remote video consultation with your GP, nurse or clinician You must be a registered patient at a participating practice to use the GP-linked features in Patient Access.
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