Quality degradation at Rejseplanen  
Users report higher volume of Quality Issues than usual

Rejseplanen | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-9 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Travel
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
30 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
22 Reports
User Feedback
22 Reports
30 Reports
Rejseplanen - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 25, 2025
Can be better
The interface is blotted with too many details. Complex.
Feb 25, 2025
Problems finding my travel card number
Feb 26, 2025
Why does the app only show train times from Næstved Station to Vordingborg (and vice versa)? Where are the bus times in the app?
Feb 27, 2025
There is a missing function when purchasing a single ticket. You don't get a receipt as a PDF. Too bad, it works with a day ticket.
Feb 27, 2025
It doesn't show the bus 801 from Helsingør to Espergærde. As it used to
Feb 27, 2025
Does not show cancellations
No buses run to Ringsted according to Movia. But the app shows everything is running as planned.
Feb 28, 2025
It rarely shows trains and buses that you can actually catch, which has often delayed me unnecessarily.
Mar 2, 2025
Not updated with bus times
Not updated with bus times
Mar 3, 2025
The itinerary does not work optimally, for example: When I have found a train connection from Jutland to Ørestad St., as a pensioner with a change at CHP Airport. 1. Select Pensioner. 2. When I press Orange Fri it goes to the DSB App and changes it to an adult ticket. 3. Change it to pensioner and press search then the change at CHP Airport is lost. But it does not do that on a desktop computer.
Rejseplanen - Product Description
2,5 mio. danskere har downloadet en app fra Rejseplanen. Med Rejseplanen får du tryghed på rejsen. 

Som noget helt nyt viser Rejseplanen nu også resultater med Delecykler, Bybiler, indenrigsfly og samkørsel – som supplement til den kollektive trafik. 

Med Rejseplanens app kan du

* finde din rejse med alle kollektive transportmidler i hele Danmark - med udgangspunkt i din aktuelle position, men med mulighed for at søge fra alle adresser, stationer, stoppesteder og seværdigheder i Danmark
* "Tag hjem" - et klik for at søge fra, hvor du er, til din faste hjemmeadresse
* se en oversigt på forsiden over dine mest søgte rejser
lave hurtig sortering af dine rejser - kun bus eller kun tog eller kun direkte afgange?
* se Næste bus og tog fra stop tæt på dig
* se Trafik aktuelt - ændringer i trafikken i bus, tog og metro lige nu og her
* se prisen for din rejse, inkl. rejsekortprisen
* eksportere rejsen til din Facebook el. Twitter konto, kalender eller på mail/SMS
* se forsinkelser eller aflysninger på dine rejser (gælder ikke for alle trafikselskaber)

Hvis du har kommentarer til vores  app, så skriv til mail@rejseplanen.dk. Vi vil meget gerne have forslag til at gøre app'en bedre. 

Rejseplanen er en af Danmarks største onlinetjenester med al info om din rejse fra A til B med kollektiv trafik. Rejseplanen leverer hver måned sammenlagt mere end 20 mio. rejseforslag til danskerne.


Rejseplanen is one of the Top Apps in Denmark with more than 2.5 mill. downloads. 

Rejseplanen for iPhone is the mobile journey planner for public transport in Denmark. It provides all relevant train, bus and metro schedules for long and short distance travelling. Consumers can plan their journeys, identify nearby stations, read departure timetables and obtain walking maps on the go.

• Danish, English and German language version
For further information, go to http://apps.rejseplanen.dk.

You can always read our app’s accessibility statement at: https://www.was.digst.dk/app-rejseplanen
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