Storyteller | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-1 Point Past 30 Days
Category: Games
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
362 Reports
362 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
52 Reports
52 Reports
User Feedback
52 Reports
52 Reports
362 Reports
362 Reports
Storyteller - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 26, 2025
Love the game, hate the paywall
I absolutely love this game. I've replayed it countless times, I wish they would add more levels to it. Where it loses points is the fact that you need a Netflix subscription to play it. If you wanna make money off of it, put a price on it, I'd rather purchase the app for a price instead of subscribing to a service I don't use and have to pay almost $30 a month to play a mobile game that's available on Steam for way cheaper.
Feb 26, 2025
This game is really cool, I just can't get in. I don't know why.
Feb 26, 2025
What does bro respect brothers mean? I'm tired of you using it as a joke, but when I respond to you with that comment, your comment leaves me in tears because you're going too far with me. You think you can play with me, but brothers, I have feelings and when you say "Guess" to me, my voice breaks and I start crying uncontrollably. Bro respect is not a game, brothers. The other time my grandmother told me "Bro respect" and well, I know I was wrong, but I got angry and threw her away.
Feb 27, 2025
After the Netflix logo and the loading screen with the crown plays it gets stuck and I cannot play, I did not get past the loading screen
Feb 27, 2025
kapets, I'm very disappointed in you. I register and they tell me the password is incorrect, although I have the correct one. And I created a new account just for that, but it's no use. I'm outraged
Feb 28, 2025
I was stuck on the black screen for 6 minute
Feb 28, 2025
Hello, can I ask why I need to have a Netflix account? This is supposed to be a free game that doesn't have to be connected to an app account to watch series and movies, that's what I don't understand. Since I asked this, could you please answer this question as long as you say it without offending anyone... Okay. I just need a logical answer, that's all. Thanks for reading my comment.
Mar 1, 2025
It's pretty good, it keeps you entertained, but there are two things that I don't like. The first is that I MUST have a Netflix account to play and the other is that it can't be played on all devices.
Mar 1, 2025
Yuck! It's very frustrating. After a half hour had passed, I still couldn't figure out what to do! It's only my opinion, but it'd be nice if there were directions on how to maneuver the game, at least make it an option. Good luck users!!
Storyteller - Product Description
Available exclusively for Netflix members. Once upon a time — wait, what comes next again? Drag and drop fairy-tale characters onto the page to build surprising stories in this award-winning puzzle game. An enchanted book of stories lays blank before you. Only the greatest storytellers can fill it with tales of romance, magic, adventure and intrigue. Assemble each interactive comic from a library of animated settings and characters that react in real time to your choices. Work your way through each genre to earn the coveted storyteller’s crown! Features: • Play with a cast of fantasy characters — kings, queens, werewolves, witches, knights and more — and watch them interact based on how you build their stories. • Swap characters and settings to create classic storybook situations: kissing frogs, fighting monsters, solving mysteries and…multiple kidnappings? • Use the book’s guidance to discover more than one way to tell new stories • Unlock secret achievements and hidden endings • Complete the book to become the finest storyteller in the land! - Created by Daniel Benmergui and Annapurna Interactive.
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