Tori.fi | unitQ Score
The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-6 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Shopping
30-Day Trend
Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
31 Reports
31 Reports
iOS unitQ Score
iOS User Feedback
24 Reports
24 Reports
User Feedback
24 Reports
24 Reports
31 Reports
31 Reports
Tori.fi - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 15, 2025
Even the world's worst neighbor Erkki can make a puddle like this better.
I can no longer do anything in the market, the text appears on the screen requiring iOS 16 or later, please make the market back to iOS 15, repeat before good
Feb 15, 2025
Confusing and completely ruined. People can't find ads anymore. It used to get 100 or more viewers a day. Nowadays, you can't even get that number with a purchased upgrade, but the price was still raised. I'm waiting for the day when someone makes a better site and replaces the marketplace completely.
Feb 17, 2025
The Tori app has been crashing for weeks now and only gives error code 403. The same continued even after reinstalling. When the Tori works, it's good to use. The former "donate" category was easy to find for all categories and now you have to search for them one item at a time. The change is impractical.
Feb 20, 2025
Basic search function requires to know your location. What an absurd decision. Uninstalled.
Feb 20, 2025
Impossible to type in the search field, after every letter a location-pushing looter jumps into the box. This started after the last update.
Feb 21, 2025
I've been using the marketplace for quite some time and this morning when I opened the marketplace and looked at what's for sale, for some reason it doesn't want to show ads, it says the ad is no longer found and the same problem happens with my own ads.
Feb 22, 2025
What have you done with the search function!? Why are you forcing to use GPS while searching?! Even blocking GPS usage doesn't help. The keyboard always pumps away. Terrible update.
Feb 24, 2025
Unfortunately, it's been getting worse and worse, things are selling less and less through Tori than before! Putting it up for sale is not as easy as on Vinted, for example, and I think it's extremely strange that you want access to a bank account! This drives users away, when everywhere you look there are warnings about scams, and for good reason.
Feb 25, 2025
Creating a new announcement is not possible, at least with the iPhone version. The Publish button does nothing.
Tori.fi - Product Description
Tori on Suomen suurin ja suosituin kauppapaikka. Joka kuukausi yli 3 miljoonaa suomalaista tekee hyviä kauppoja ja löytöjä Torissa. Uudistetulla Tori-sovelluksella toritus käy entistä sujuvammin ja toiselle tarpeeton löytää uuden kodin toisaalla. Ota torituksesta kaikki hyöty irti ja lataa itsellesi Tori-sovellus! Kun käytät Torin sovellusta käyttäjätilillesi kirjautuneena, - voit tehdä hakuja helposti ja löytää etsimäsi nopeasti, - voit jättää ilmoituksen palveluun muutamalla napautuksella, - voit viestitellä kauppakumppaneiden kanssa turvallisesti Torin sisällä, - voit luoda hakuvahdin ja antaa vahdin löytää etsimäsi puolestasi, - voit tallentaa omat suosikki-ilmoituksesi ja palata niiden pariin myöhemmin. Laita tarpeeton kiertoon ja tee kestäviä löytöjä läheltä ja kaukaa - vertaiskauppa on palvelus luonnolle ja lompakolle. #torilöytö Tori on osa Schibsted-konsernia.
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