Quality degradation at Wort Guru  
Users report higher volume of Quality Issues than usual

Wort Guru | unitQ Score

The unitQ score is the fraction of public feedback data (iOS & Android) that mentions quality issues.
100 = No Issues. 50 = Some Issues. 0 = All Issues
-17 Points Past 30 Days
Category: Word
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Android unitQ Score
Android User Feedback
67 Reports
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iOS User Feedback
0 Reports
User Feedback
0 Reports
67 Reports
Wort Guru - Latest Quality Issues
Feb 24, 2025
Nice game, but way too much advertising
Feb 24, 2025
Problems since yesterday, as soon as advertising comes on there is just a black screen and a crash.
Feb 24, 2025
After EVERY round there's an advert, that's a joke, I uninstalled it straight away. I can't recommend it to anyone who wants to play in a relaxed manner.
Feb 25, 2025
ATTENTION ATTENTION TO ALL GAMES WHO ENJOY PLAYING!!! 1 disgrace!!! This app is "dangerous"!!! Reason: It is shown as free + (if you are a child, for example) you are not careful (press it) you have to pay €7.99!!! The worst thing about it: The €7.99 is weekly!!! Everyone is tied in + you simply cannot get out of the contract!!! FRAUD!!! Fraud!!! FRAUD!!! Fraud!!!
Feb 25, 2025
Great game for in between. Ideal for TV commercials/short breaks. But: suspected cheaters! You can pay to suppress the advertising. 3 stars deducted because of cheating! A new challenge begins at midnight. 5 minutes later the leader has already completed 72 levels. How does that work? Average people need about 1 minute per level on average. I had 4 levels! Then the 3 day challenges. How does someone manage 4,795 levels? Even if they play through for 72 hours, it's not possible (72 hours x 60 = 4,320)!
Feb 25, 2025
Very sweet 😃 - after testing the first mega-easy chapters in a hurry, you look forward to getting a few somewhat moderately easy tasks, but then you're bombarded with advertising after EVERY round. Thanks, after 5 minutes I know that it's a waste of time - but you can't know whether it will ever become really interesting so that it's worth buying if you're initially presented with 30 seconds of advertising for every 10 seconds of play.
Feb 28, 2025
It's a shame, actually a nice game. Unfortunately there are constant advertisements. That's why I uninstalled it.
Feb 28, 2025
More advertising than play
Feb 28, 2025
Advertising is getting longer and worse. Fake advertising is also included
Wort Guru - Product Description
Gefallen Dir klassische Worträtsel? Lade Dir noch heute Wort Guru runter um Dein Gehirn zu TRAINIEREN! Komplett GRATIS!

Verbinde die Buchstaben und baue Wörter um Münzen zu erhalten! Wort Guru jetzt HERUNTERLADEN um Dein Vokabular zu weitern und ein Meister der Wörter zu werden!

Es ist an der Zeit versteckte Wörter zu entdecken und so viele Wörter wie möglich zu formen!

Was macht Wort Guru so besonders?

• Einfaches & süchtig machendes Gameplay!
• Hunderte Level mit jeder Menge Wörter warten auf Dich!
• Ingesamt 8844 Levels!
• Keine Lust auf Zeitdruck? Du kannst Dir so viel Zeit nehmen wie Du brauchst!
• Zahlreiche Stile stehen dir zur Auswahl!
• Versteckte extra Wörter wollen entdeckt werden!
• Kein Wi-Fi? Keine Sorge, Wort Guru kann überall gespielt werden!
• Unterstützung für Android Smartphones & Tablets

Wort Guru ist eine App welche geschaffen wurde um Dein Gehirn zu trainieren und gleichzeitig neue Wörter zu lernen! Habe eine fantastische Zeit und genieße den Spaß zusammen mit Deiner Familie und Freunden! Lass uns zusammen Wort Guru spielen!
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